Tamlin the Tool

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Hey Followers,

This is my first chapter so I'm going to rant about the biggest tool of tool land in tool country on tool planet in the biggest, tool galaxy. Yep I'm talking about Tamlin.

Tamlin is the biggest tool of tool land in tool country on tool planet in the biggest, tool galaxy and his queen is THAT BITCH IANTHE!!!

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Tamlin is the biggest tool of tool land in tool country on tool planet in the biggest, tool galaxy and his queen is THAT BITCH IANTHE!!!

After I read this image I was just like HELL YES IANTHE CAN GO TO MOTHER F****** HELL!!! It is so true but - hate me all you like - if Ianthe didn't let Feyre have a panic attack Rhysand never would have saved Feyre from marrying Tam the Tool

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After I read this image I was just like HELL YES IANTHE CAN GO TO MOTHER F****** HELL!!! It is so true but - hate me all you like - if Ianthe didn't let Feyre have a panic attack Rhysand never would have saved Feyre from marrying Tam the Tool. Just Saying ;)

Tamlin is an idiot

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Tamlin is an idiot. I cannot express this enough. BTW non of these images are mine I've gotten these off the internet. However this is mine...

Tamlin: Feyre is a weak little girl who needs protecting.

Feyre: Oh no you didn't

Rhysand: You should take that back

Feyre: *Launches herself at Tamlin*

Rhysand: That's my girl

Tamlin: *Runs while screaming* But we had sexxxxxx!!!

 Me: <sigh>

When I was writing this I was just imagining it and *laughs when imagining it in mid sentence* I hope this will happen in the next book!

When I was writing this I was just imagining it and *laughs when imagining it in mid sentence* I hope this will happen in the next book!

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I love his poem it is just him :)

When I was reading this I went into a laughing fit ;)

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When I was reading this I went into a laughing fit ;)

When I was reading this I went into a laughing fit ;)

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I love this image soooooooo much. I think I love it soooooooo much because it is 110% true ;) I can totally imagine this happening, or is it just me???

 I think I love it soooooooo much because it is 110% true ;) I can totally imagine this happening, or is it just me???

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Hahahahahaha!!!!!! I LOVE this image it is so true. I can imagine Ianthe in the background going NOOOOOOOOO! My smol little baby tool!

 I can imagine Ianthe in the background going NOOOOOOOOO! My smol little baby tool!

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I have no words. This is just amazing <(.0.)>

So Followers,

Now we have our daily program of Cute Little Baby Bats

Now we have our daily program of Cute Little Baby Bats

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<BTW Guys I just re read Empire of Storms and OMFG!!!!!!!! I want to kill the Bitch Queen of Bitchlandia!!! <Spoiler Alert> Maeve can crawl into a hole, get covered in molten iron and die a slow and painful death>

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