Feyre and Rhys's Pregnancy (Pt 2)

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(Warning: You may cry)

Rhys's POV

I couldn't help the protective instincts that came to me when the healer told myself and Feyre that my mate carrying my child. I was already so in love with this child and I knew that Feyre was too.

We went home after the healer told Feyre what was to happen with the baby. We got home and immediately went to bed.

Rhys's Nightmare (This is where you may cry so if you want to skip than go to where it says 'End of Rhys's Nightmare)

Feyre and I laid in bed talking about how excited we were for our child. We talked about names and genders and who to choose as their god parents.

All of a sudden Feyre cried out. There was so much blood but all I knew to do was call for a healer and hold my mates hand. She was crying and J felt tears sliding down my own face as the healer rushed into the room.

She used her magic to soothe Feyre and she didn't have to tell us what had happened, I already knew. Feyre and I were not destined to have a child.

End of Rhys's Nightmare

I woke up in a cold sweat and found Feyre sleeping peacefully next to me. No blood in sight. I took a deep breath and laid down. I looked at the ceiling not wanting to sleep out of fear of more nightmares like that.

Feyre rolled over so she was tucked into my side. Just the look on her peaceful face made me shut me eyes and dream about our future together.

A/N May update again tomorrow if I remember

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