I was Tagged...

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So somebody tagged me to do this so here it is.

Thanks a lot @ShadowSoul36

I was just tagged to do random shiz so yeah...

1) I fangirl over everything.

2) I get jealous of fictional characters.

3) I ship so much it hurts.

4) I read way to many books at a time.

5) I rewatch series while I'm still watching another one.

6) Sometimes I forget which fandoms I'm in.

7) I have way too many husbands.

8) I cry when any character dies.

9) Books are better than movies.

10) If you spoil something for me you can't blame me for your injuries.


I tag...










For people reading that haven't been tagged, feel free to comment your answers in the comments!

1) Who's your favourite fictional character?

2) How many ships do you have?

3) Books or Movies?

4) Do you like spoilers?

5) How many books are you reading right now?

6) Which fictional character is BAE?

7) Do you cry when reading a book?

8) How many TV series are you watching right now?

9) What do your fangirl over?

10) Which fandoms are you in?

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