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So excited for Christmas break to come and fill you with new chapters! Here's the next one, hope you like it.

A few snowy days went by, each of them enjoyed fully and soon enough it was the day before riding back home, to Hogwarts. Rose felt empty as she stared at the window, seeing how each of the small little pebbles of snow hit the ground. She could imagine how the snow was covering itself layer, after layer, after layer. She imagined that one day the Burrow would be buried deep in the snow and she wouldn't be forced to say goodbye to her family once more, but nevertheless she was excited to go back home. She had a lot of things to look forward to, except OWLS and Collin, everything was fine and fun back at Hogwarts. Suddenly a thud interrupted her thoughts, it was Scorpius sliding onto the bench where she sat and and slipping an arm next to her waist. He held her close, his breath fanning the skin on her neck and his touch sending shivers up her spine. She felt giddy as he pressed a smile to her collarbone.
"You ready Rosie?"  he murmured, ever so softly.
Rose felt goosebumps run through her. She didn't understand how he made her feel such things, such passion. She didn't understand how could one simple touch send her heart beating madly in her chest, or how could one simple word make her stomach sink and explode with butterflies. She didn't understand it, no, but she was sure of one thing: she loved it. That sensation of being so hard, that sensation of having someone that close was all she needed. She locked eyes with him, slightly tilting her head towards him.
"For what?" she asked, confused.
"Oh right. I forgot to tell you "he said guiltily, a smirk forming on his lips "You and I have-um- signed up for babysitting"
"What?" she spat, slightly surprised for she didn't expect to have to babysit anyone. Everyone was old enough to take care of themselves and also if somebody needed babysitting normally the older kids would be in charge.
"Yeah, apparently some cousins of your cousin or something like that are coming over to visit and they have little children and well they asked us, since they think we're the power couple of the year or something"
Rose chuckled, siding arm onto his back "Well, you know what we got to do; entertain the little suckers"

And so, hours later, Rose found herself chasing after squirming little kids in the community park.
"Blaire! For Merlin's sake, come here!" Rose insisted as she ran, chasing the little five year old girl down the paneled road, Scorpious running towards the opposite side, chasing Tommy who had stolen a red handkerchief from a witch and refused to give it back.
The couple ran back and forth, forth and back, chasing the kids as they tried their best to be mischievous. It was quite a scene, with Rose's shrieks and Scorpious's cursing, but nevertheless, they achieved their goal to pacify the little suckers. They sat, huffing and puffing from their struggle, on a park bench, watching the two swing back and forth on the swings.
"Boy, these kids. They're killing me" Scorpious panted.
"Yeah. I mean we suck at parenting" Rose replied, running her hand through her unruly hair, trying to fix it up.
"Well, I don't think our kids would be that bad..." Scorpious said.
He suddenly realized what he had implied and turned pink, a hand over his mouth. Rose's mouth opened in an O at his words, did he just imply getting married? Her heart went into overdrive, still she tried to shrug it off and gave a shout to Blaire.
"Hey, Blaire! Why don't we beat these boys with cooties?" She said, a grin on her face as Blaire stopped her swing with a devilish grin.
"I challenge the boys to a monster tickle fight!" She said, stomping her foot hard on the ground.
Tommy stopped his swing too, scrunching his face.
"Challenge accepted!" He said, his chest puffed as he stood next to Scorpious.
"Get ready to lose suckers!" Scorpious said, swinging Tommy onto his shoulders with ease.
"Oh yeah? Get ready to lose 'cause loser gets to buy the other ice cream!" Rose said, doing the same with Blaire.
The couple stood facing each other, a mock hardness in their expressions as they circled each other.
"Go!" Blaire said, giggling as Rose lurched forward and tried to tickle Scorpious.
He swerved and tickled Rose in her side, she fought hard not to laugh.

They struggled, each of them tickling the next. The giggles erupted from each of their mouths as the game continued madly. Finally the game ended epically as Scorpious found Rose's "spot" and tickled. She immediately hunched with laughter, leaving Blaire exposed to Tommy's hand and she too started laughing. It got worse and they both toppled to the ground, laughing their heads off and for good measure Scorpious and Tommy threw themselves on top of them, squashing them.
"Ow!" Blaire laughed as she took a blade of grass out of her auburn ringlets.
"Well the game was won fair and square..." Scorpious smiled, helping them up.
"Okay, we'll get you ice cream." Rose mumbled
And so, even with the deafening cold, they marched into the small ice cream parlor. Rose bit her lip as she payed for both of their ice creams and sat in a both by the corner.
"Mmmm. Delicious" Scorpious said tauntingly.
Rose rolled her eyes at him and kicked him from under the table.
"Nutter" she mumbled as her mouth watered.
They sat and watched, their mouths drooling, as they ate their ice cream with content, but then something hilarious happened: Scorpious jabbed his ice cream onto Rose's face. She had been watching the store, the customers that came and went, when Scorpious took advantage of her distraction and straight up smashed the ice cream into her with a laugh. Rose gasped as the soft cream hit her face, and she tried to yank it off, the cone hitting the table with a thunk.
"Idiot!" She shrieked as she wiped the remnants of the cream off her cheek, but then she got a brilliant idea.
She scooped a nice, fat, portion of cream off her and wiped it all over Scorpious. He let out a yelp as it hit him, his eyes challenging.
And that's the story of how they where severely punished after almost ruining an ice cream parlor in an epic fight for glory.

Yep. That happened... get excited for the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment ;)

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