Chapter 20

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I was suppose to post this last night but cough Medicine knock me out😴

"Family of Latimore?"

The nurse came out and called.

"It's about fucking time." I mumbled

"Jacob O'neal .." my mom said sternly

"Follow me please."

She took us to another waiting room. It was more private.

"when can we see Yasmine?"

She gave me a strange look.

"You will have to see the doctor first."


"Come again?" we were now talking to the doctor after another hour.

"She was expose to carbon monoxide."

"The amount of time is anywhere between 10 minutes to a couple of hours. The Carbon Monoxide usually knocks you out before it kills you. we are glad you found her and brought her in right when you did. If it was a minute later we would have lost her."

He handed me a paper.


What is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide, or CO, is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death.

Where is CO found?

CO is found in combustion fumes, such as those produced by cars and trucks, small gasoline engines, stoves, lanterns, burning charcoal and wood, and gas ranges and heating systems. CO from these sources can build up in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces. People and animals in these spaces can be poisoned by breathing it.

What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. High levels of CO inhalation can cause loss of consciousness and death. Unless suspected, CO poisoning can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms mimic other illnesses. People who are sleeping or intoxicated can die from CO poisoning before ever experiencing symptoms.

How does CO poisoning work?

Red blood cells pick up CO quicker than they pick up oxygen. If there is a lot of CO in the air, the body may replace oxygen in blood with CO. This blocks oxygen from getting into the body, which can damage tissues and result in death. CO can also combine with proteins in tissues, destroying the tissues and causing injury and death.


" We a just about done flushing her system. you can see her now." She smiled

I walked into the room with everybody behind me. There lies my sleeping beauty. Sleeping peacefully. Damnnn how can she be beautiful still in a time like this. Mariah hugged me leg trying to look at Yas. I picked her up so she can have the same view I do.

"I read a story about a girl who wouldn't wake up." she looked at me.

"A man kissed her on the lips and she woke up."

"Sleeping beauty." I chuckled remembering the story. I grabbed a chair and pulled it right beside the bed. I leaned forward and kiss Yas and Mariah kissed her cheek.

"Now we wait for her to wake." Mariah smiled weakly.

Yasmine POV

I tried to open my eyes or move but I just couldn't. So I just stop trying after a while. Until my eyes became lighter. I could blind barely, little at a time. I squinted my eyes seeing alittle of my surroundings. I literally had no idea where I was. I was very disoriented and dizzy still, I was laying in a little room and what felt like a bed. To my left was a window. In front of me was a wooden door and beside it was a regular ol door. There was an annoying ass beep in my eye. Where the hell am I? I can feel anxiety creeps in. Wait, is this a hospital?

why am I here?

What's wrong with me?

I start trying to do a self-check.

Are my legs and arms working?

Trying to get up but I felt pain, dizziness, and a wave of nausea. And you start to get more anxious, more scared. I tried to rip these needles things types to my arms.

"No hunny don't do that. IV helps you."

"She's awake?" A familiar voice that I love.

Jacob damn near ran over to me. With Mariah on his hip. I smiled weakly.

"Hey Yasmine how you feeling?" Mrs Tish asked

"Good, I guess."

"Our kisses worked!" Mariah said reaching for me. Jacob placed her inside my arms.

"Mommy I thought you wasn't going to wake up. I loovveeee yoouuuu."

"Love you too Riah, but remember what I said?"

"Yes, sorry Yasmine." She put her head on my chest.

"Why am I here?" I asked

"Carbon Monoxide poisoning." Jacob sir said.

"Why were you in a running car? And why you didn't get out?" mrs Tish asked softly

"The car doors didn't open from the inside. That's why we didn't use it." I said not making eye contact.

"Who in they right mind would do that?" Tish continued

"Mrs Green told her to go. I was there." Mariah sleepy voice."

I looked up and everybody was looking at me. unreadable looks.

"I umm have to use the restroom."

"You might be alittle weak darling. We are going to eat some food at the café. Be right back." Tish grabbed Mariah from me and they walking out. Jacob picked me up bridal style and carried me to the wooden door. He put me down feet first. I looked at him but he didn't look at me.

"Are you going to pee?"

"But you're in here."

"Yeah that's why I'm not looking at you."

Jacob POV.

"Jake this is awkward." Yas said peeing. I was facing the wall. It might be awkward for her but I'm enjoying this. I'm guess she was done peeing because I heard the toilet flush and water running. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I picked her up and placed her on the counter. I put myself between her legs. Before she could say another word. Our lips made contact. Immediately shove my tongue in her mouth. Her arms around my neck pulled me closer. Our tongues swirls. She broke the kiss grabbed my right hand. Placed it on her inner thigh smiling shyly.

"Ohh, thats what you want huh?"

"I just miss you thats all." she whispered looking down at my hand rubbing her thigh. She put her head in the crooks of my neck breathing uneasy. I'll say 5 minutes have passed and the only thing I heard were Yasmine's soft sweet moans. Its like music to my ears. That was all ruined by a knock in the door.

"Jake, Yas? We back. Come out here. Now." My moms voice through the door.

"Damn." Yas mumbled.


Short? Mistakes? Yes sorry about that😳 but you got some answers!☺️

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Pretty little lairs tonight, I have to work tonight. Back to school tomorrow.😩

PS. Go read my other story 'Thug Behavior' a Prodigy/Craig story.👋

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