Chapter One

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Jason bought a large box filled with Christmas presents from his car, after putting his sleeping adopted daughter Amber in her crib Jason quickly bought the presents inside before she wakes. His stubborn little princess was very cranky and refused her milk at the parents room in the shopping mall. He knew he shouldn't be doing last minute Christmas shopping but caring for Amber and thinking about Dante took a toll on him. Jason keeps himself busy by cleaning the house, studying during his spare time and caring for Amber.

Jason doesn't find Christmas exciting anymore, after Dante's deployment to Afghanistan four months ago it didn't feel the same celebrating without his loving boyfriend. Always together during the holidays and family gatherings before adopting Amber, Dante is barely home even after returning from deployment. Jason fear the worse wondering if he's safe and not injured, at some moments a phone call will make Jason tremble praying it's not one of Dante's friends telling him about his dying boyfriend.

Jason promised Dante his deployment wouldn't put him into depression, Jason knew he needed to be strong for his daughter, family and Dante. Even miles and miles away Dante will  always worry about his beloved regardless of his current position. Jason wished war doesn't exist, he knew many go to defend their country and some return home safe. Jason respected the marines, many sacrifice their lives so others can live another day. He'd prayed for families that lost their loved ones in war, Jason wished things would be done differently and if only war would no longer exist they all could see their loved ones live another day. Jason felt incomplete without Dante but he knew what Dante needed to do, Dante wanted to protect his family and country.

"I knew you'd do last minute Christmas shopping" said Katherine. Jason yelp in surprise staring at his older sister. She leaned against the front door staring at her baby bother, Jason isn't the same without Dante. Worried about her baby brother, Katherine would always visit him to make sure he's okay. She promised Dante to watch him and Amber while he's away, knowing Katherine is there with Jason Dante can be at peace.

"My goodness woman, stop scaring me" said Jason. She giggled and hugged Jason tight, for days Jason wanted to cry  and he's not sure if he can go on another day without Dante.Jason knew he should be use to it by now but it'll always feel like the first day Dante got deployed. He needed Dante to comfort him and tell him everything will be okay, Jason needed to hear Dante's voice to calm his wondering mind. Katherine's hug was enough to make him cry, Jason cried praying Dante would return home. Jason doesn't want to be along anymore, Christmas is meant to be spend with family and yet Dante isn't here,  his family isn't complete without him.

"I miss him so much" cried Jason. Katherine whispered comforting words to Jason even when he's tired of hearing it. Tried of everyone telling him to be patient or Dante is okay, Jason doesn't know anything about his beloved boyfriends safety. He'd pray for Dante to return home so he could see Amber grow up.

"Dante is a strong man, believe in him Jason" Katherine replied. Wanting to distract his mind, Jason asked Katherine to help him wrap the Christmas presents. Even with Christmas music playing faintly in his home, he doesn't feel the Christmas spirit anymore.

"I-I'm sorry for worry you and everyone, it's just hard without him. I promised I won't get depressed but Dante is asking the impossible. I feel like I am failing him because of what I feel, I am so proud of him but I fear the worst" said Jason. Katherine listened to her baby brother as he poured his heart out, he couldn't contain his emotions any longer just wanted Katherine to listen. She held his trembling hands into hers, it was also hard for her to contain her tears, Katherine is close with Dante they grew up together with Jason during their childhood.

"I know it's hard Jason, you're so strong and that gives Dante strength not only to protect his country but also protect you and Amber" she says. Jason waved goodbye to his sister and alone once again inside their large home, if it wasn't for Amber keeping him sane Jason wouldn't know what he'd do if Amber wasn't with him. Jason looked at a few photo's framed in the living room, with Christmas music still playing in the background Jason cried once again staring at the photo's he'd forever cherish. Jason would whisper his Christmas wish over and over again, he always hear about Christmas miracles so he hoped it will be his turn for his wish to come true.

"I wish Dante comes home early from deployment, celebrating Christmas or New Years Eve with his family" Jason whispered to himself. Jason doesn't ask anything for Christmas, he doesn't see happiness receiving a Christmas gift. Jason isn't complete without Dante so what's the point of excitement for Christmas when your loved one isn't here to spent it with you. Wiping his tears staring to the moon whispering his Christmas wish once again, every night he'd do that until his beloved returns home.

"P-Please come home to me" Jason cried. He'd talk to Dante like he's in the same room as Jason, staring at his photo Jason would clench the frame like his life depends on it. The cries of his daughter bought him back from his thoughts, placing the frame back in display Jason walks upstairs to calm his beautiful daughter.

"Shhhhh .. it's okay baby, calm down" said Jason. Amber whimpered when she sees Jason, he quickly give her stuff marine teddy bear Dante bought for her when we adopted Amber. Flying to China to meet our baby girl and take her home, giving Amber her teddy bear was the first thing Dante did before holding his daughter for the first time. Her small hands clench on the bears fur, she'd calmed down once the teddy bear is in her arms. Jason tried his best to be a perfect father, knowing nothing about raising a baby Jason made it his mission to do his research before flying to see his baby girl.

"Let's go see your daddy" said Jason. Playing a pre-recorded video Dante done him and Amber, Jason played it over and over again for them to watch. Having no desire to watch a show on the television Jason would prefer watching his beloved telling him much he loves him. Amber smiled hearing Dante's voice, Jason cried silently holding his daughter as she watched her father sing her a song.

"T-That's your daddy" Jason said to Amber as he cried. It felt like yesterday Dante left for deployment, four months felt like years for Jason. The more he looked at the calendar the more time slows down. All Jason wants is Dante to be home with him and Amber, Jason wanted his little family complete once again.

His Christmas Wish (ManxMan) A Christmas Short Story #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now