Chapter Four

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Jason didn't know why Katherine invite him to go to a Japanese hot spring with her, knowing today is Christmas Day Jason has a lot on his plate. Jason wanted to be sure everything is in order before he can relax. Meanwhile Katherine tried her best to distract her baby brother, today is a special day and it's not because of Christmas. She knew Jason notice her odd behaviour but kept his curiosity to himself. Meredith offered to look after Amber and get her ready for the special day. She can wait to see Jason's surprise once he sees his Christmas present, it's a wish he'd wish for praying it'll come true.

Meredith needed Jason away from his home in order for the surprise to be a success, Katherine made sure to buy her mother time before the big reveal. Meredith didn't think her plan inside her mind isn't easy as she thinks. Keeping Jason away is becoming impossible, her stubborn son wanted to stay home with Amber rather than go to the hot springs with Katherine and she tried her best not to seem obvious.

Sinking into a warm bath after a body message, Jason sighed feeling his tighten muscles ease from the warmth

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Sinking into a warm bath after a body message, Jason sighed feeling his tighten muscles ease from the warmth. He thought it was a good idea agreeing with Katherine's invitation, with all the stress he's battling to control a spa session is just what needs to relax his body and mind.

"So when are you going to tell me what's going on?" asked Jason. He kept his mouth shut these couple days and it's about time he get some answers.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Katherine replied. She give Jason a quick glance then looks away seeing his questioning expression. Katherine promised to keep her mouth shut, Jason doesn't about the surprise coming his way and it needs to keep that way till tonight.

"I know you and Ma are acting strange, you're keeping something important from me and it feels like I have the right to know" said Jason. Frustrated with his older sister, Katherine refuse to give him answers. By the time they finish relaxing in the hot springs Jason how much time flew, they both rushed home to get everything ready before their family and friends arrive to his home.

"Goodness Katherine, we only have an hour till everyone gets here" said Jason. Katherine rushed passed him decorating his big dining table.

"I'm sorry, I forget to keep a close eye on the clock" she says. They both didn't have time to talk any further, Jason went into his small barn cutting some wood to start the fireplace, he fought the cold weather determine to bring lots of wood inside. Saying goodbye to Katherine, she rushed home to get ready for the Christmas dinner. Jason didn't have time to shower so he put on any clean clothes from the floor he forgot the fold. Jason felt proud he accomplish the impossible, during Dante's deployment he had no desire to feel the Christmas joy and now his home feels homely again. Jason is happy with the result of the dining room, Katherine done a good job with so little time.

Jason stood on his balcony with a large thick wool blanket over his shoulders, he looked at the view of different houses brighten with Christmas lights

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Jason stood on his balcony with a large thick wool blanket over his shoulders, he looked at the view of different houses brighten with Christmas lights. He could hear the joyful laughs from his neighbours and family. Jason thought he'd feel the Christmas spirit again, decorating his home distracted him from missing Dante but now he only felt worse. He felt like he didn't deserve to celebrate Christmas without Dante, all he wants is their family to complete again. He wanted to feel the joy with Dante and Amber.

"Come join us son" said Meredith. Her heart pained seeing Jason depressed, she hated seeing him like this and wished she could heal his throbbing heart.

"What's the point Ma, Dante isn't here so why must I pretend to be okay when I'm not" Jason replied. Jason flinch from his harsh tone, he felt guilty speaking to his mother that way but she quickly touched his shoulder understanding he didn't mean to be rude. Meredith felt her phone vibrate, she quickly check seeing a text message that turned her frown upside down. She remember the night Dante called, it took her by surprise and happy to know Dante is doing okay. When she heard his plan, Meredith couldn't believe he gotten permission to return home to celebrate Christmas with family and friends.

She knew Jason wanted Dante to retire from the Military but didn't tell Dante and forced to keep his feelings within. Giving Dante advice he asked for, she was honest with him telling him how depressed Jason become during his deployment. During their childhood they're always each others side. Jason would always feel suffocated when Dante is far from his reach and she her baby boy to be happy again. Meredith wanted to scream to the world about Dante's surprise but she respected his decision and kept her mouth shut and even asked Katherine to do the same.

"Lets go back inside, it's to cold to be out here and everyone is ready to eat dinner" she said. Jason sighed agreeing with his mother, he looked back at the view one more time then walk inside his warm home. Everyone gathered settling in their own seat, the children seated at their own little table he prepared last minute. We held hands saying our prayers and begin to serve ourselves. Jason remained in place watching his family eat, they were in their own world that hadn't notice Jason crying. He wiped his tears away expecting the tears to stop flowing but he couldn't, he cried staring at his empty plate now with tear droplets.

"Jason" said Katherine. Suddenly everyone went silent staring at someone behind him, he didn't bother looking back and continue crying. Katherine tried her best to calm her brother, she heard his front door open she smiled seeing Dante standing behind Jason. His heart pained hearing his lovers cries, everyone was happy while Jason cried trying to contain his tears. He never seen Jason in this state before, he'd always tell him he's okay when he knew he wasn't.

"I-I miss him so much" Jason sobbed. Quickly Dante drop his bag and hug his beloved tight, Jason yelp in surprise feeling someone hugging him. Everyone smiled as they remained silent, his tears continue flowing and he slowly turn to see the owner of the arms. Amber was distracted making a mess on her plate than to notice her daddy in front of her. Jason sobbed loudly jumping out of his chair and hugged his boyfriend tight. He couldn't believe Dante is standing right in front of him, Jason thought it's just an illusion but it wasn't. The man he loved for years is in front of him, he isn't a dream he's real. Afraid to let him go Dante sink to the floor with Jason in his arms.

Dante reach into his back pocket pulling out a red little box, he faced his lover and opened the box for him and everyone to see. Jason eyes widen seeing a beautiful diamond ring in view, he slowly unwrap his arms as Dante went down on one knee.

"I love you so much Jason, we've been through everything together and we've battled wars together. While at Afghanistan I saw the aftermath of war, a wise lady once told me to confess than regret and at that very moment I realise time can be our worst enemy or best friend. I never stopped thinking about you and our baby girl so I made a decision that'll be the best for the both of us so Jason will you marry me" said Dante

"Y-Yes" Jason cried. Everyone cheered taking photos of the happy couple, Meredith cried seeing how happy her son is. She's glad Dante listened to her advice, now a retired marine he's now focusing on his family and planning to expand it in the future.

His Christmas Wish (ManxMan) A Christmas Short Story #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now