Chapter Two

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Waking up from a bad dream Jason cried alone in his bedroom while Amber slept in her own nursery. The room filled with soft snores coming from the baby monitor, Jason hated having these dreams seeing his deceased boyfriend. Every night seemed to get worse where he fears to close his eyes. Jason doesn't know when Dante would call or give him an email, if he's lucky he'd talk to his beloved three time during his deployment. Jason would worry about Dante's safety and state of mind, he knew witnessing war isn't something Dante can forget.

Dante refuse to tell anything about what he'd seen, the local news didn't silence about the truth of war. Innocents killed and forced to leave their homes because the rebels and war, it broke his heart seeing images of what's left they once called home. Countries refusing entry or minimum refugees, they all suffered to get somewhere safe and even sacrificing themselves so their children could live a better future. In the past Jason took everything for granted, Jason didn't appreciate what he have and how lucky he is to be born in this country. Dante showed him a different way of thinking, donating money to charities that help the injured of war it's the least he could to do to help. Lost in my own thoughts, Jason heard the his phone ring so he quickly answered praying it'll be his beloved.

"H-Hello, Jason speaking" Jason said. Trying to contain his trembling hands but he heard the voice he longed for, the tears formed rolling down his cheek. It felt like years since his last heard Dante's voice.

"Hey baby " said Dante. Jason sobbed laying on his pillow, Dante whispered his love to him telling Jason he's safe and uninjured. Dante sounded exhausted as he talked to Jason, he wanted Dante to take care of himself. Jason knew Dante hasn't gotten much sleep, war is all Dante can think about and Jason didn't want to burden his lover with his problems.

"I-I miss you so much, I-I can't take it anymore" Jason cried. Jason regretted telling Dante his feelings, he didn't want his beloved worried more than he already is. It's becoming impossible for Jason to silence his emotions, he wanted Dante to tell him everything will be okay.

"Never say that love, it pains me that you're suffering along. I worry about you everyday, I know about your depression Jason so please stay strong for me and Amber " he says. I sobbed crying to his beloved, his voice is all he needed to hear and yet it wasn't enough to ease the pain in his heart.

"H-How can I when you're not here" Jason replied. Jason felt selfish telling him that, he needed to be strong no matter how hard it can be. Jason wanted Dante to be strong and fight for his country and protect his men.

"I know it's hard baby so please believe in me" he says. Saying goodbye to Dante wasn't easy, Jason cried for hours not knowing when Dante would call him again. Telling his beloved how much he loves him, Jason can only pray for his safe return. Cleaning kept him distracted enough to worry about what needs to be done. Putting Amber in her swing as he mopped the kitchen and living room floor.

"Mama will be okay, I just need to be strong for you and your daddy" He said to Amber. Her smile melt my heart and it also gives me hope. Jason agreed Christmas would be held in his home, it sounded like a good idea before Dante's deployment. They had plans to go on vacation with Amber before Dante's gotten a letter in the mail. Jason didn't know where to start, he wasn't ready for Christmas and only four days away Jason couldn't keep his mind sane.

"I guess cleaning could wait, lets put up the Christmas tree" Jason said to his little angel. Amber squealed clapping her hands agreeing with the decision. Opening the closet pulling out a plastic Christmas tree covered in dust, Jason coughed patting the dust away.

Half an hour later the decorated Christmas tree is now complete, putting the wrapped presents under the dress Jason felt proud of what he accomplish

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Half an hour later the decorated Christmas tree is now complete, putting the wrapped presents under the dress Jason felt proud of what he accomplish. Jason wanted to be strong for Amber and Dante, he wanted to feel the Christmas spirit once again. His heart pained knowing Dante won't be celebrating it this year with him and their baby girl. Jason knew Amber missed her daddy, she refuse to let go her marine teddy bear.

Jason got back to work finish cleaning his home after putting Amber to sleep, shoving the snow from his roof, car and drive way. Jason was exhausted when he finished, tired to cook dinner he ordered pizza and warmed up Amber's meal he made yesterday. He'd always cook a large portion freezing it that'll last a month.

"Amber Brown, you need to eat your dinner" said Jason. Amber shook her head moving away from her father. The moment she smelled his pizza it's all she wanted, Jason put his meal in the microwave until she eats her dinner. So focus trying to feed his daughter Jason didn't hear his mother ring the door bell several times until she invite herself in.

"How many times did I tell you to lock your door boy" she says.

"I know but as you can see I am busy right now" Jason replied. His mother smacked his head for not listening to her then went to greed her grandchild.

"The decorations look great" she says.

"Thanks, I finished an hour ago" he replies. Jason told his mother he's got call from Dante last night, Jason couldn't tell her much since he didn't know himself and due to security, Dante couldn't tell his exact location. His mother comforted Jason, he wanted to be strong in front of his mother and he thought he ran out of tears.

"He'll be home baby, have faith my son" she says. Jason wanted to believe her but hearing the news about how bad everything in the world has been he wasn't sure whether faith could protect them and his beloved. His mother Meredith looked at her son in worry, she wanted Jason to be happy again and she couldn't stand seeing him depressed. After receiving a surprise call from Dante, she couldn't believe the surprise he's been planning with his friends for months. It was hard for Meredith to keep her mouth shut, she promised Dante she wouldn't reveal his secret. Meredith knew the only gift Jason wants is his beloved home for Christmas, he wanted to hear his voice and feel his touch again.

Meredith would do anything for her son to smiled again, his loving caring nature vanished once Dante got deployed. Money wasn't an issue for her, she'll do anything to make sure Dante's surprise succeed on Christmas day. 

It's a Christmas gift Jason and their family will never forget.

His Christmas Wish (ManxMan) A Christmas Short Story #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now