Chapter 30: Emotional

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I opened my eyes and I had a few pins sticking in my arms and legs. I took a deep breath, hearing the crackle of the thin paper underneath me on the medical bed. Fitz told me to remain calm, that this wouldn't hurt me, that it would help all my "powers" sort out. I didn't even know what that meant but he tried to explain that they are kinda like hormones in a teenager and out of whack. Great, just when I thought puberty had pasted. He said we needed to balance them out so I wouldn't end up hurting myself in the long run.

All I could think about was these new "powers" I still was having trouble believing it, after all, I hadn't been able to use them since the accident.

I thought about Robbie, I wonder what he would think. How do you even tell someone you're literally perfect?

I wondered if he was okay, I'd been so caught up in myself I wondered if he had been hurt by the accident.

My thoughts were interrupted by Fitz walking in with a tablet.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I shrugged, honestly not knowing how to answer.

"Well we seemed to have balanced them out, next step is to actually try and see if you can use them on command," he said, pulling the pins out of me.

I set up and rubbed the skin that had been punctured.

"Who came up with that?" I asked.

"Oh, a former agent, Agent Lincoln."


"He died awhile back."


"Technically Jemma would be the one to do this, but she's not here and plus if she knew she'd have to tell the new director which we wouldn't want."


"Well we don't know what you are exactly, you're not inhuman, you're not alien either-"

"I'm a lab rat," I answered bluntly.

Fitz didn't answer but I could tell he agreed.

"Where's Robbie? Is he alright?"

"He's fine."

"Could I see him?"

"Not yet."

I sighed. "Are they reversible?" I suddenly asked.

"Your powers-"

"Please stop calling them that... And yes... Whatever is wrong with me."

"Afraid not. It was like a switch was triggered in your brain during the accident. Was this the first time you've been in severe shock?"

"My father was-" I stopped, he wasn't my father. Fitz looked at me though, waiting for me to finish. "He was murdered in front of me... By... By the Ghost Rider."

Fitz looked up, his eyes a little buggy and he looked at the door. "Ghost Rider killed your father?"

"Yes, why?"

Fitz looked at his tablet a little concerned.

"What is it?" I asked.

He looked like he was about to say something when the door opened and the man who grabbed me from the car walked in.

"Fitz, Coulson and I have a situation we need to take care of," he said.

"Alright," Fitz answered.

The man looked at me and stood up straight. "You must be Mia, I'm Mac," he said, offering his hand.

I stared at him.

"Nice meeting you too," he mumbled turning away as him and Fitz left.

It wasn't nice meeting him, he just reminded me of the incident and everything that happened. If I hadn't gotten into that car, maybe I wouldn't be here. Maybe I would never know I was just some experiment that didn't turn out well. I could go insane, mental health was not guaranteed.

My dad was not even my dad. My dad was a mass killer who killed the man I thought was my dad.

I felt angry, angry at my mother for not telling me, angry at Mac for pulling me out of the car, angry at Robbie for running away.

I was so angry.

I stood up and screamed. I fell to my knees as I sobbed. I just wanted things to go back to how they were.

Once I had cried all my tears I stood up and listened. Everything was quiet.

I walked out of the room and instead off going to my own, I walked around.

I found myself in an area that had a car parked. I walked over and saw beside it, Robbie's car. I walked to it and gently placed a hand on the hood. I wished he was here. 

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