Chapter 11: Apologies

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When I woke up the next morning, Keith was gone and so was his mask "Where did he go." A few hours passed and Keith came back "Where were you! I got so worried!" I started to tear up "I'm sorry. I'm going to go battle Dan as a rematch. You can come with me but since it's raining, you can stay here." "I'll stay here with Gus. Just don't do anything reckless ok." He smiled and left. A few minutes that had felt like hours passed and Keith came back with Drago! "You won Drago?! Poor Dan.. He must be devastated.." "If Kuso wants to win back Drago, he'll have to defeat me in a brawl first." Spectra laughed sinisterly and I got a bit scared "What's happened to you.. You used to be so kind and gentle..." I had said that to myself "I'm going out. I'll be back soon." I put on my coat and rain boots and grabbed an umbrella "Let me come with you." "No. I just want to go alone." I opened the door and left. I decided to go to Dan's house to see how he was holding up. I went up to the front steps and knocked. A few moments passed and Mira opened the door "Mira I-" "What do you want Angel." She sounded very angry "I-I came to apologize to you and wanted to see how Dan was holding up. I know that it's going to be tough for him now that he lost Drago to Spectra..." "I can't believe you knew about my brother being Spectra and you're also dating him! Why didn't you tell me. I thought we were friends." I sighed "We are friends Mira. I wanted to tell you but... I needed to find the right moment to tell you. May I please come in?" She sighed "Fine.. Also, I forgive you." Mira smiled "Thanks. I'm glad you forgive me." I walked inside and took off my jacket and rain boots. When I went to see Dan, he was in his bed and had a hot towel rag on his forehead. I decided to go up to him "Oh Dan... I'm so sorry... I- I still care about you. Please be ok..." I grabbed his hand and held it close to me "A-Angel?" Dan opened his eyes slowly "Hey... Did you hear everything I said?" "Y-ya... I forgive you. Also, I want you to know that I still love you." I smiled warmly at him "Thanks... I have to get going now. Dan I-I still love you..." I whispered the last part hoping that Dan didn't hear it but he did. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. The same sparks that I had felt with Keith, I felt with Dan. I then pulled away and ran out of Dan's room. I grabbed my jacket, put on my rain boots and took my umbrella and left "I love Keith. Not Dan. What was I thinking letting Dan kiss me like that..." "Angel, are you alright?" Leonids came out of my coat pocket "I-I'm fine Leo... It's just. I just can't decide who to be with. I love Keith and I love Dan. I just don't know what to do anymore." I started crying "Just choose wisely. What does your heart want. Just take a deep breath and think about who you care about most." "Thanks Leo. You always know what to say." He smiled (figuratively). I then went back to my house "I'm back!" Keith ran up to me "Where have you been. You've been gone for an hour." I looked down "I'm sorry. I just needed to go for a walk alone Keith..." He sighed "Sorry. I shouldn't of over reacted." He pulled me to my room and laid me down on my bed so we could snuggle up to together "Keith, when you battle Dan again, I want you to use me in battle. I don't know why but, I feel the urge to battle in my Bakugan form." He smirked "Sounds good. Can I use the forbidden card on you?" I hesitated in answering "S-sure. But I don't know how my body will handle it." "If it gets too much, I'll pull you out ok?" I smiled "Alright. I love you." He smiled "I love you too." "We should leave now. I have a feeling that Dan will come back for a battle. Let's go to the docks. No one uses it." "Alright." Spectra, Gus and I went to the docks. Like I suspected, Dan and the others appeared

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