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AN: I'm sorry if there are some typos. These stories aren't exactly proof-read. Hope you'll still enjoy it! And the accuracy of this one... Sorry!

It was hard looking at Edogawa Conan in a hospital room.

Conan was the kind of boy who would refuse to let people see his weakness, to see him in a vulnerable state. Even when faced with death, he kept a cocky look, daring the murderer to kill a boy. Of course, he wasn't an eight-year old but only a couple of people knew that.

"He looks dead," Ayumi mumbled, her eyes red and puffy. "But he isn't, right, Ran-neechan?"

Ran almost broke down. "Of course he isn't, Ayumi-chan." Yet, she could feel his clock ticking loudly, too loudly.

"Conan-kun will wake," Mitsuhiko assured himself, his hands sweaty. "This is probably a test, he wants to see if we can find him."

Beside him, Genta was munching on his chips, murmuring something like, "Okaa-san says eat food when you're sad." Ayumi, sitting on a chair beside Conan, looked at her two best friends and weakly smiled at them. They tried to return it but their lips kept falling and their eyes darted to Conan's limp body.

"They caught the remaining members," Ran whispered, checking her phone. "Otou-san said that they found two of them dead in a nearby lake. The other three were still running but they're caught now."

Ayumi let a relieved sigh escape her lips. Mitsuhiko stopped talking to himself, asking Genta to pinch him. The latter obliged. They were, of course, happy that Conan's attackers were apprehended but that wasn't the only reason. For the past 11 hours, they've been hearing stories of the 'war' between an organization and the whole police force. Apparently, the FBI and CIA were involved, too.

However, there were some people who stood out. No, it wasn't Heiji, Hakuba or that guy who called himself Kuroba Kaito. They were two eight-year olds, Haibara Ai and Edogawa Conan. They were the ones that led the operation, trusted by the high-ranking offfcers. More than half of their men were doubtful about the two but an hour in, they saw how ruthless the girl was when she shot down three members and the clever mind of the boy, managing to lure in six criminals.

But everything needs to come with a price. For Conan, the price was a few broken bones, blood and an indefinite time in coma. For Ai, it was her left leg- sprained -and half of her voice box. After surviving the two hour confrontation, they were rushed to the hospital, with Conan in death's door and Ai almost at her limit.

"I hope Ai-chan's okay."

Their heads turned to Ayumi. Ai, upon wakening, had demanded to see Conan immediatley but the doctors were more concerned with her own health. When she was prohibited from standing, even with the risk, she shot questions to the three doctors and two nurses that were trying to sedate her. Her voice was cracking but she refused to give up. Reluctantly, a doctor explained Conan's situation. She calmed down but had asked to be alone for some time. No one argued.

"She will be, Ayumi!" Genta said. "Haibara will not back down just because of a few wounds."

"You're right, Kojima-kun." Ai entered the room in a wheelchair, Hakase behind her. "This is nothing." Her voice was hoarse but she didn't show any signs of the pain she was feeling every time she spoke.

Ran panicked. "Ai-chan! You've only been awake for two hours!"

"I''m fine Mouri-san," she insisted. "I convinced them that my wound isn't fatal, except for my voice." Hakase pushed her wheelchair to the side of Conan's bed.

"Let's leave them for a moment." Ran herded the kids out of the room, knowing the two kids, though one was unconscious, needed to be alone. Hakase, frowning, followed them out, wiping tears away from his eyes.

Closing the door, Ran heard Ai whisper, in a calm but broken voice, "You better wake up, Conan."

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