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AN: i'm eternally grateful for all the support you've all given me- it keeps me motivated. although... i've started about half a dozen ideas for conan x ai but none really stuck this one is shorter and lighter but i think we all deserve something like this with the past few chapters seriousness (???) and what's going on with our world.

i did not mean to offend anyone by writing this piece. no one should receive hate based on criteria that's senseless. that goes with who you love, what you love, what you do, the color of your skin and many more. i hope we all find hope and peace in these times but never forget how we earned it. we are indeed living history.


February 4
9:32 PM

do you think you can use the lab to test out unknown substances?

Who's this?

shinichi. i seat behind you in chem

youre brilliant in chem do you know that

Fortunately, I do.

How did you get this number?

not important

ran gave it to me


Why do you need to test out unknown substances?

keep a secret?


its for a case

So the rumors are true that you're a high school detectice, Kudo Shinichi.

the whole school saw me chase a suspect on foot the other day

its true duh

Will you pay me?


Breaking into school property can get me expelled.

sure whatever

what do you want

lets straighten out the details later

I'd like a week's worth of coffee. I'll send you my exact order.

just that? sure


February 6
7:09 AM

you didnt tell me you drink seven cups of coffee every day

thats sneaky


September 22
6:01 PM

You didn't have to do that.

do what??

Standing up for me earlier.

i cant stand up for my girlfriennd?


That's not what I meant.


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