Princess Leia and Han Solo

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"If you love me, you'll need to know the truth."

"What is about you that I don't know?" He has a confused look and is, by the looks of it, is going to have an emotional break down. Doesn't he know how hard it is to tell something that no one I mean NO ONE knows. I was about to say something but the nurses barge in and constant beeping is made by the machine and I uncontrollably close my eyes and the next thing I know, I am in another dream/ Memory...


"Jeffrey, you didn't have to take me here for a Christmas present! I always enjoy your gifts!" I yell because there is a lot of people at the indoors ice skating rink. I can't believe he took me here! I have always wanted to ice skate. But I could never afford and/or would always forget. "I hope you like it! I always knew that you wanted to come here. That's why I did."

We both walk to the counter and he takes out his wallet and tells the lady what ice skates we need while I go to the bathroom. When I walk in I see a couple grinding together, trying to tear each others clothes off. "Okay... I'll just give you two some privacy." The couple was giving the death glare the whole time I was in their presents. I walk toward the counter where I spot Jeffrey. "I have our ice skates!" I give him a tight grin and grab the skates from his hands.

As I put them on I feel a little tap on my shoulder and turn around to see a guy that looks in his twentys and looks drunk. "Wanna get together?" I give a disgusted face and tie my other skate and stand up. "Ew! No!" He grabs my arms and pushes me until I reach the ground. "JEFFREY!" He runs toward the guy throwing a punch that knocks him on the ground. "Are you alright!?" His face looks frantic and looks as if I am about to die. " Yea, yea, I'm fine." He picks me up and  leads me to the rink. "I am just glad your here." My happy response makes him smile and I smile in return.

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