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Well...this is it. We've reached the end. And it's time to announce the-


Phew, I couldn't wait any longer to tell you. I hereby crown you Queen of Items. Congratulations! And congratulations to our second place winner,StormChronicle! You both did so fantasticly! This was a great competition and all of our contestants had such creative, thoughtful entries. I hope to see you all again.

Thanks to our judges, @jkstoryaddict and @Dreaming_Reverie . {They're fantastic, go read their stuff.} I couldn't have done it without you!

Now, what you both have been waiting for. PRIZES.

For both first and second,  you have your pick. I can follow you on my main account, give you a couple dedis on the stories of your choice, read your works and give you feedback, a shoutout on my main account, or I can write you a story. About anything. All of the prizes, or nothing at all; your choice. I'll be waiting your call[;

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