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Lucy's Pov, 

I stood there taking deep breaths. We had finally beaten Zeref. Natsu, Erza and Gray were able to finally get rid of him and his demons. As the others of Fairy Tail were cheering and crying over the lost of Master Makarov I noticed the Dragon Slayers were all giving off a golden glow. "Gajeel?" Levy asked worried as the rest of the guild looked seeing Sting, Rogue, Gajeel, Wendy and Natsu were all started to fade. "N-Natsu" I looked at him my eyes widening as he gave me a smile. "This was the price for beating Zeref" Natsu spoke.

Everyone was frozen. My hands started shaking as I looked at Natsu. "S-stop joking around" Happy nearly shouted as Natsu just smiled at him. "Look after Lucy for me ok buddy?" Natsu soon asked as Happy burst into tears. I then remembered what Happy told us before. If Zeref was to be killed... Natsu would die. "N-Natsu please don't go" I begged my eyes starting to water as Natsu looked at me with a smile. I soon saw the book of E.N.D laying next to me it also starting to a golden glow. "Hey Lucy?" Natsu made me look right at him.

"I'm grateful, I'm grateful that you was in my life" Natsu started talking as his fingers slowly vanished. Tears started to going down my cheeks as I was badly shaking. "The days we were together, they was the happiest days of my life. I'll treasurer those memories" Natsu's whole hand was soon gone as I burst out crying. Begging him not to leave. "Forever, I will always have them memories with me" he soon added giving me his toothy smile as my crying got worse. The whole guild frozen crying also.

"Thank you for being there for me, for believing in me. Thank you for everything Lucy. I'm glad you are my best friend and that you came into my life" Natsu soon added as I ran up to him hugging him as his arm started to fade away crying into his chest. I couldn't help but scream and beg him to stay. "I will never regret meeting you. And... Lucy, I'm gonna miss you for sure and I will never forget you" Natsu was starting to tear up also as I couldn't feel him anymore. 

"So never forget me ok, please never forget me. I love you Lucy. And I always will" Natsu soon was gone. I was left hugging his scarf as I fell onto my knees crying as hard as I could. Most of the guild behind me was crying also. I was shaking, crying and most of all broken. I had lost so many people because of dark magic. My mother, Eclair, Aquarius and now.... Now I had lost the person I loved. My best friend. My crush. I-I lost him...

I-I lost you Natsu.


I gave myself some feels writing this....
What you guys think so far?

I found a picture on Google of Natsu vanishing in front of Lucy smiling along with the other Dragon Slayers. It kinda gave me the idea.

Ready for the feel train guys?


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