~Chapter 7~Nicknames~

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A Day Later, Lucy's Pov, 

Camping out with Larcade and Dimaria was much nicer than I had thought. Larcade was telling me stories about powerful mages that was known in Zeref's old country while once and awhile you would hear Brandish shout at Dimaria about something. Every time I moved my eyes to check on the two they was whispering and smiling. Both even slightly blushing. Some reason as we was setting the camp up last night I could see how Dimaria and Brandish looked at each other. The never caught each other doing so.

But I remembering seeing that look on myself. The way I used to look at Natsu so long ago. I loved him as I would always regret that I was unable to tell him that. He told me his feelings and I was unable to return them. I was unable to let him know. The guild and Happy would always say that he knew. Levy was in the same boat as me. Then again her and Gajeel were dating in the one year the Fairy Tail Guild was disbanded. Even afterwards they was. She lost someone she loved to. Well the whole guild did.

They was able to slowly move on but some reason just being there stopped me. I felt as if time wouldn't move for me that Natsu would be breaking into my apartment late at night. I missed him. I missed a lot of people. I was hoping to speak to Brandish about this later as I didn't want her to feel what I felt. The regret. Happy forced me to keep Natsu's scarf as I don't want to destroy it so it was in my backpack. I made it into a type of fur lining inside of it. I tried getting Happy to keep the scarf but he felt so bad not wanting to leave the guild.

I didn't want him to leave it. With how it took me this long to just stop crying once a day. After what happened, after meeting Dimaria and my new spirits something just felt different. After that moment and day I stopped. I didn't cry once like I normally did. We was all walking along a path as Dimaria had her arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to her as Brandish was warning her to be nice toward me. Larcade I noticed kept a protective watch over this. "You know Lucy even though Randy and I were talking I-" Dimaria started talking.

She got interrupted by Brandish shouting at her for the nickname. I could see why Dimaria used it a lot. It did wind Brandish up in a way that made me laugh. "Pipe it" Dimaria rolled her eyes and then smiled at me. I was shocked on how nice she was. She did once try and cut my eye out with a dagger. Then again even Larcade was different. Brandish was different. In that time. In that war we never thought about the other side. About who we was fighting. We learnt things then and there but never really stopped to think.

Never stopped to think on who we was fighting and why they was on Zeref's side. Brandish told me many stories along with Larcade on how Zeref used to love humans. He would help them and as he helped more and more his country was built. Everyone there owing him and knew him for the man he once was. He had lived for over 400 years. He was to go crazy sooner or later. Learning that I couldn't help but feel sorry for Larcade. He had to watch his father go through that. He had to hope the man he knew was in there.

"So as Larcade was informing you about his other name being Rahkeid and him informing you of the nicknames me and Brandish earned. Wanna know how we got them?" Dimaria asked as Brandish had some guilt and worry in her eyes. I did noticed that she cared about my thoughts on her. I nodded as Dimaria looked excited. Dimaria started with her first, her being known as 'War Maiden'. Something that would of got Erza excited about. Dimaria called herself a supreme warrior, her valor and feats on numerous battlefields had gained her the title of "Valkyrie" a goddess of war.

Soon it was put to 'War Maiden' as the years went by as she soon explained to me that she was chosen to be a vessel for the God of Time, Chronos. She had many stories about her battles most of them wasn't even with Zeref or the Spriggan's. I did enjoy many of the stories as this was helping time pass on. Dimaria then started on Brandish's nickname, 'Country Demolisher'. This story I wondered about soon into hearing the nickname. Dimaria explained how Brandish would get countries to bow to Zeref without speaking.

That her glares would do the talking for her. Even with that the true name came from when a unknown country or well more like an island tried to attack Zeref's Empire. With that happening Brandish alone went to the country and shrunk it all down to the size of her foot. The people, buildings, size of the lands, the animals and even the side smaller islands around it. Many impressed and scared of her full power even I was impressed. "You know when we was learning about Fiore our whole country thought the Heartfilla line ended with your mother Layla until Brandish popped up with your information" Dimaria soon informed me.

I was in little shock. Thought my mother was the last Heartfilla? "The past Heartfilla's even your mother worked for Zeref" Dimaria then explained as I nodded. She must of saw some shock and confusion on me. I knew that my mother opened the gate for Zeref. "Wait" Larcade spoke as we was just outside a town entrance. We all stopped and listened to him as we was confused. "It is to quiet" he then spoke looking around. He was right. The town we was coming up to was Ice Haven. It was known for having many families in it.

The place was also known for the beauty it had at winter. The place was a heaven well my mother would say it was. I never was able to get here until now. "Should we head back?" Brandish asked looking toward me as I put my hand on my whip ready as I shook my head. "We are not going backwards anymore" I spoke as Dimaria and Larcade smirked slightly as we all headed toward the town. The four of us were ready for a fight but when we got there...

The buildings, roads, pathways and even the nature around was covered in bloody and dead bodies. The place was a slaughter house. Men, Woman, Children, Pets and even people who you could see where travelers and traders. I even saw some with guild marks on. "W-what happened here?" I whispered in pure shock and fear. This sight. It made me want to throw up but as I looked more and more to see the town was raided something clicked. Rage was building inside of me.

"Look here" Brandish called out as the biggest building we had saw so far had a symbol painted onto the side. The symbol matching the known 'Fairies Of Death'. I had heard about them. They was a now known dark guild going around doing what they could for powerful guilds or even the Magic Council to send powerful mages. They would turn them into one of their own someway or kill them for sport. I was shaking slightly as laughter started to each around us all. Even more laughs were joining as we was all looking around.

"That is it" Dimaria spoke deadly as a dark aura came from her body. Brandish and I looked at her shocked as Larcade was keeping close to us both. "What person fights and kill children. Even their home pets like dogs" Dimaria nearly shouted a sword showing in her hand once before. A glow coming from her. The glow being dark orange. "Come out and fight me. You have triggered the rage of the War Maiden" Dimaria soon nearly shouted as soon an army of unknowns were around us.

Many holding weapons of their owns as the same symbol rested on them. 

This symbol I would never forget or forgive...

This symbol I would never forget or forgive

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