~Chapter 20~Plan~

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Next Day, Lucy's Pov, 

Irene was now helping Brandish and Dimaria find a spell to lock Lucifer away or try to find something in August's tower as I was thinking on a plan on the top floor balcony. I saw Gray and Juvia training outside both keeping their magic on top. "Lushie" I heard Happy's sleepy voice as I turned my head to see the blue exceed waking up on a pillow of a bed. August had given me, Brandish and Dimaria his room to stay in and I took Happy with me. I walked over sitting next to him and my bag that was open.

Happy soon saw I had Natsu's scarf wrapped around him. "I thought it was fitting" I informed him as Happy's eyes watered seeing it. "I take it everywhere with me, Brandish thinks it is a reason I can't move on but I don't feel right without knowing it's in my bag now" I soon spoke laughing slightly as I had my hands behind me on the bed as I was putting pressure on them so I could lean backwards slightly. I was staring at the ceiling as I knew Happy was looking at me. "Being around you guys again makes me miss him more" I spoke from my heart as I felt Happy's paw on my leg.

"But even if we bring him back, I don't think I can come back to Fairy Tail. Everything has changed me and even my looks" I then took a deep breath after speaking and looked toward Happy who had tears going down his face as I smiled toward him. "I will keep in contact kinda like how Jellal did for Erza but Happy I am sorry. I can't join Fairy Tail again, Brandish wants to stay with Dimaria and Larcade, maybe even August and I need her. She is the reason I finally stopped crying" I then explained putting a hand on Happy's head and petted him.

"Please understand and explain to the guild for me when we finish, they won't be able to agree to this and Gray will try and drag me back so I can explain to him" I soon asked in a begging tone smiling toward the blue exceed that hugging my arm crying into it, vowing to write letters to me everyday and if I would forget there would be about 20 letters per day until I do write back. I was smiling and holding back my own tears as Brandish came into the room. "We got it" Brandish spoke smirking as I smiled.

I left Happy to calm down with Natsu's scarf as I went down to the floor under the bedroom to see Dimaria, August, Larcade and Irene waiting. "The spell needed to deal with both Lucifer and Ankhseram is a Goddess Star Dress" Irene spoke shocking me where I was. A Goddess Star Dress? I never thought they was a thing. "With that we need to get you to contact a Goddess" Dimaria added as I nodded standing with Brandish. "Grandpa August has a spell so me and you can go find a Goddess in the Celestail World, our bodies will be here in Earthland while our souls have 24 hours to be in the Celestail Plains" Brandish soon explained.

"You could get hurt Brandish, Lucifer free his demon spirits must be also, The Seven Deadly Sins and Satan spirits are deadly and powerful they could even kill other spirits when at full power" I then replied to Brandish worried for her. I didn't want her to get hurt as Dimaria walked over putting her arm over my shoulder. "Randy you better bring back my blonde sister alive you hear" Dimaria spoke smiling toward Brandish who smiled back and nodded as I was in some shock. "Lucifer will try and slow you both down and even attack here. We will be ready" Larcade spoke smiling toward me, Dimaria and Brandish. 

"If need extra time try and contact Chronos, I have him watching over you two" Dimaria said winking toward me as Brandish shook her head slightly as I smiled toward her. "Thank you, all of you" I then spoke as August walked over to me and Brandish. "Ready?" he asked as Dimaria moved to be behind Brandish and Larcade moved to be behind me. Brandish and I looked to each other as we both saw the other was ready as we looked toward August and nodded as at a click of a finger we was knocked out.

Our plan;

Find A Goddess.

Lock Or Kill Lucifer.

Save The Dragon Slayers.

Find And Kill Ankhseram.

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