Chapter 2: Helga Hufflepuff

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Tori's P.O.V

Quidditch training has been hell today. The team was really lazy and diverted because of the potions exam today. Since I loved brewing potions I was well prepared for the test but I still was afraid of failing.
I looked at each of my teammates and shook my head when I saw Andrew.

"Andrew! What's wrong with you? You have to prevent the rivals from scoring and not help them!"

I mentally slapped myself. If our team continued playing like this we would surely loose against Ravenclaw on Sunday. So I decided to cancel the rest of the training.

"What? Why? We are going to play against Ravenclaw on Sunday! You can't cancel the training!", Andrew yelled.

"If y'all keep playing like this I can. It's your decision whether you want to win on Sunday or not. I'm not going to continue like this."

This time no one dared to talk back to me. They nodded and left for the cabins. I let out a sigh. Although it was just the beginning of the year, I had a feeling that this was going to be our worst Quidditch season. Since the day I was captain, we didn't loose a game once. We always had the most points, with Slytherin behind us.
I looked at the clock, it was only six pm.

Great Tori. What are you going to do now?

Maliah was at Hogsmeade at this time and to be honest, I wasn't in the mood for Hogsmeade right now. I decided to take a shower first and to decide what I should do when I was in the bathroom. I made my most important decisions there.
I walked into the common room and nearly got killed by Peeves.

"Hell, Peeves! You need to stop scaring me!"

"Sorry Tori.", he grinned. He liked saying that because it sounded so similar. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the room, I shared with Maliah, Savannah and Marylin. I took off my cloak and walked into the bathroom. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Tori? Tori! Are you there?", I heard Marylin or Lin, how I called her , yelling.

"Yes, I am!", I yelled back, "What is it?"

"The headmaster has called for you. He wants all prefects to be in his office in ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I would have if I had found you. How am I supposed to know that you are not on the pitch?", she said slightly annoyed.

"It's okay thank you for informing me."

"I'm here to save your butt Miss James.", she said in a shrill voice.

After I finished, I rushed the stairs to the headmaster's office. I was in such a hurry that I ran into someone and fell backwards on my bottom. As I looked up, I saw Newt, standing in front of me. He smiled and offered me his hand, which I gladly accepted.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

"You were in hurry?"

"Uh, y-yes. The headmaster has called for the prefects."

"Oh, okay. you still need my help later?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"We didn't say where."

"How about the library?"

Newt nodded and smiled. It was as if I was talking to a little kid, that got praised by someone. With the only difference that Newt was not a little kid anymore.

"Don't you have to go?"

"Huh? Oh yes! I'll see you later, Newt!"

"See you later Tori.", he mumbled smiling.

I had totally forgotten that the headmaster had called for the prefects. I was so drawn in my thoughts and into Newt that I had forgotten my task completely.

"Chocolate fondue.", I mumbled. The headmaster loved chocolate fondues and made it to his password to his office. When I reached the office, I could see the other prefects and the headmaster as well as teachers and people of the ministry. Wait. People of the ministry? What were they doing here? I hoped that it wasn't something serious.

"Ah, Miss James. We have been waiting for you.", the headmaster stared, "Well, since everyone is here, I think we can start."

My uncle winked at me and smiled. Good, this meant that it wasn't something to worry about. If uncle Albus was tensed, it meant that something bad happened. I gave my attention back to the old man, who was responsible for our school. My eyes widened as I heard the news.

"The Trimagic Tournament? Here? In Hogwarts?", I gasped.

Headmaster Ramsay smiled: "Yes, Miss James, here in Hogwarts."

"May we know when?"

"Of course, Miss James. In one month, the two schools will arrive in Hogwarts. It will be the prefect's task to guide them around the school, if you don't mind."

We shook our heads. We were honoured to help the foreign students. 

Professor Ramsay, the headmaster then, thanked us and asked us to leave. I was excited. Not only because of the tournament, but also because I would see my close friends Angeline Dubois, who was in Beuxbatons, and Sergej Galkinov, who was in Durmstrang. I just couldn't wait to tell Maliah the news but I was not allowed to tell anyone anything. I was curious how we would manage with Quidditch during the tournament.

Soon I realized that it was already 8 pm. The conversation took longer than I expected. So I runned to the Gryffindor's dormitory and got my books and then rushed to the library.

"Hey", I coughed, "Sorry, I'm late."

Newt looked up and smiled. I was in awe again. That boy was so cute. 

"It doesn't matter. I know you were busy."

"Thank you. I hope I did not hinder you from studying."

"No, no you didn't. It's a pleasure to help you. So where is the problem?"

"I need to find a niffler and to take care of it the next few weeks. And I just don't know where to start. The books don't say anything."

Newt looked at me slightly amused by my frustration.

"I told you, I'm not good in Care of magical Creatures."

"Oh, you are. But the problem is, that there really aren't any informations about those creatures. You can attract them with sparkling things like silver, gold diamonds etcetera."

"Why do you know that?"

"I like these beautiful creatures. I like studying them and finding out more about them."

"You know what? You should write a book!"

"A book?"

"Yes a book! I'm sure there are many people who would love to read it. You know so much and someone has to appreciate it except me."

"Okay...and how should it be called?"

"Fantastic Beasts and where to find them."

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