Relax (a Prequel)

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Nesta hated Rita's. she hated Velaris and every single minute she has to spend there. She hates her sister's mate, she isn't fully convinced that's a real thing. And without a doubt she hates his friends. Especially Cassian.

He's a brute, a devil with a vicious smile. He is everything she always vowed to stay away from.

But whenever they gather at Rita's she ends up drinking too much, trying to avoid socializing at all costs. And when she drinks too much her walls fall down. And when her walls fall down she goes looking for that prick of an Illriyan who has somehow become her friend.

She promised herself that wouldn't happen tonight. Rhysand told her they should start training. Feyre said it would be good for her to work off some of her steam, to work off some of her anger. Azriel offered to train her and so did Rhysand. She could take her anger out on him tomorrow, after she stayed away from the fruity drinks she loved so much.

Nesta clenched her fists as the music picks up its pace and Mor started twirling around Azriel like she always does. Nesta rolls her eyes, how the two don't see their obvious attraction is beyond her. Clearly they don't believe in the mate shit or else they wouldn't be so in love with each other.

Most days Nesta wants to shove them into a closet and tell them to get it over with. Because she can barely stop herself from gagging anymore. 

At least Elain seems happy. She gets to spend tonight with Lucien. Somehow the high lord has come to pay her sister a visit and as much as Nesta wants to forbid her from being with her mate, she sees how happy Lucien makes her. She can't deny that, she can't deny her little sister.

When she looks at them she might slightly believe in the mating thing. But it's not something she wants. It's not something she would ever wish for. There was no one she wanted to spend her entire life with.

Let alone forever.

"Here," Nesta jumped as Cassian slid into the seat beside her. He offered her a pink drink, "I thought you could use this. You look miserable."

She eyed the drink, wondering if she could just drink one. She had no restraint when it came to these nights. Especially when the drinks were free and her mind wouldn't stop wandering back to the warrior beside her.

"Thanks but I'm not drinking tonight," she glanced away from him watching her sisters dance with their mates.

Even the word made her feel sick.

"Aw come on Nes. You're so much fun when you drink."

She rolled her eyes, "one don't call me that. My name is Nesta. And two I don't want to drink and end up not remembering half the night."

Cassian laughed, "you're just upset that last time you got drunk you woke up in my bed. I told you nothing happened."

"We kissed," she muttered clenching her fists again, "which is something asshole."

He laughed again, "yeah. Okay so we kissed. But I'm a gentleman. I didn't do anything else, because you got upset. I just let you fall asleep on me. See? I'm not a bad guy."

Nesta shook her head, "no. I don't want the drink."

He sighed, "fine. I guess I'll find another girl to give it to."

Nesta felt her stomach drop. She wasn't sure why but imagining him offering the drink to someone else rubbed her wrong. She glared at his back as he walked away, knowing it wouldn't take him long to find another pretty girl to get wasted. He would give her to the drink and then he would murmur sweet words into her ear. Then Cassian would take her home and she would get to fall asleep in his bed.

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