Address in the Stars

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"Nesta! Nesta!" Cassian came running into the house in a full blown panic. He could feel Nesta's heart racing, he could feel her panicking. He had left the camps, in the middle of sparring, because he had to make sure she was okay.

"Nesta!" He called for her over and over again, his own heart racing. His hands shook as he searched for her. He was sure she was here, the bond had led him to this very place. But their bedroom was empty, so was the living room.

When he found her the tightness in his chest loosened as he stepped out into the backyard. She was facing away from him. Her scent wrapped around him, calming his panic. He could still feel hers, but it was nothing compared to what his had been. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

"Cass," tears were on her cheeks as he pressed soft kisses against her neck, "I didn't hear you come in. You're early."

He kissed the back of her neck, making her shiver. Cassian smiled, "I felt your panic. I felt you, I didn't think I just followed the bond."

Nesta went stiff in his arms, "the bond."

Cassian then realized where her fears had come from, why she had been panicking. Because she felt the bond snap into place. She felt him, she felt everything the way he had felt her for months. He didn't know why it had happened now, when they had been doing everything exactly the same as before. But Cassian had never been happier. Or more terrified in his life.

Cassian ran the tips of his fingers over her arms. Waiting a full minute before speaking. He knew she would push him away, keep him at a distance like she had before. She never wanted the mating bond, she told him that the day she was remade and he woke up to broken wings. But somehow through the bluster and bullshit of their life, they had found each other.

They had chosen each other.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he whispered as she leaned against her, "I just. Didn't want to scare you."

She nodded slowly, "it just happened so suddenly. One minute I was with Feyre dealing with the spring court and the next you were right there, in the center of my heart. I couldn't stop missing you."

Nesta spun around in his arms and she pressed her lips to his. He pulled her in, holding her as tightly as he possibly could, "it's always been you," he whispered softly against her skin, "I've loved you Nesta. Ever since the day I met you."

She smiled slightly, "I think. I think I love you too."

He wiped away her tear, "my mate," he said softly into her hair, the smile never leaving his face, "my beautiful, fiery mate."

Nesta felt her heart beat faster, "what does this mean? What do we do?"

Cassian pressed his big hand against her cheek, "we don't have to do anything. We could just be us, the way we always have been. Or we can accept this, accept the bond and be mated before a priestess. Or if you prefer a wedding, we can have one of those too."

Nesta looked into his beautiful honey brown eyes and realized she wasn't afraid. All she felt inside her heart, was love for this man. The man who had promised to protect her to whatever end. The bond magnified it, but it had already been there. From the very beginning, Cassian had always been there. Because he was the beginning of her new life, the start of her belief in love.

"I accept you," she whispered against his lips, "because you taught me how to accept myself."

A tear slipped down Cassian's cheek as she kissed him. He let out a laugh as he pulled away, "in order to accept the bond you have to feed me."

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