Chapter 1: DEATHention

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Ring! Ring!

I hate alarm clocks.

7:00 am

Oh Shoot I only have fifteen minutes left before first period starts. I got up and rushed to the bathroom to take a bath. Once I was done, I got my things for school without combing my hair or even fixing my shoe lace because all I wanted was to reach school. As I passed by the familiar street leading to my school I grinned. After a few minutes I saw the huge placard near school that says

Fair View High.

I leapt for joy looking like I won a million dollar lottery. I think winning the lottery is better though but who cares I already reached school. I ran towards the familiar school hallways that I've been going to for the past 3 years of my life until a guy wearing some sort of weird uniform halted me.

"Excuse me Ms. I'm Mr. Farroway the hallway police of this school and it seemed to me that in the hallway with too much speed for my liking"

Of course I would run at full speed I'm going to be late for class you ludicrous hallway officer

"Excuse me Sir. But I'm going to be late for class and education is my main priority in life so if you can please move because I'm gonna be late for my English Class." I said calmly but deep inside of me I was gonna blow up to bits.

"Oh no you can't escape that easily. I will write this yellow warning and if I see you running in the hallway once again I might call your parents and sue you" the old buff hallway officer said

"I won't repeat this again. I assure you" I said in a very fast way that even Eminem and Florida couldn't beat


English class is so far away from where I'm standing and it will take me 5 more minutes until I reach there. Oh no. After a long and tiring walk to reach my class, I have arrived at last looking like I've been hit by a monster truck.

"Oh look at the time. It's 7:25 and I believe first period was supposed to start at 7:15. Ms. Carter you're 10 minutes late for class! One thing I hate about students is being late so you'll have detention later after school" Mr. Smith said with a hulk-like tone that made me shiver. Can this day get any worse?

"But sir-"

"No more buts Ms. Carter you'll get detention after school for three hours but for now you go enter my class and find a seat"

"Yes sir"


Now it was lunch and I'm here lining up with my best friend Lissa who was chatting about this show called The Vampire Diaries and how much she ships Ian Somerhal something and this girl Nina Dobrev I believe. I didn't pretty much understand and care of what she was talking about because I'm just too scared for detention and how torture it will be for me

"Izzy! Earth to Izzy"

"Uh what"

"The lunch lady's asking you what you want to eat"

"Oh yeah um I want three slices of pepperoni pizza and coke please" I ordered

"That would be $ 4.50" I paid the cashier and waited for Lissa to finish her orders. We searched for vacant seats until we found TJ, my other best friend waving at us. We headed towards his direction and sat.

"Heard you were going to detention today huh" TJ said with much concern in his voice.

"How did you know that?"

"I mean a nerd going to detention is quite some news so people gossip about it"

Psh people

"Uh you guys can leave early today since I won't be riding for you"

"How long's your detention anyway?"

"3 hours"

"Oh shit"

"Yeah. Oh s word and don't worry about me it's just detention with a creepy teacher that may treat me bad but it's totally fine guys" I said with fear showing on my face.

"Well I think you're more afraid than your words than us Iz"

They caught me darn

The whole lunch break consisted of TJ joking and Lissa and I laughing to bits but despite all of that detention was still in my mind. I mean of course everyone has fears in their lives that you just don't want to let go but you just can't.

The bell rang so I got up from my seat and said goodbye to my friends.

"So Izzy, you don't really want us to wait for you later?" TJ asked as I was making my way for my next class

"No I'm fine it's just detention T, not the end of the world"

"Yeah I just thought-"

"I'm really sorry TJ I need to leave now bye"

"Yeah bye"


I've been here for fifteen minutes and I still haven't entered the room of pure evilness and punishment. You guessed it right, Detention. Never in my eighteen years of existence plan on going to detention. I mean I'm an A+ student (not to brag) but why me? Of all the two thousand students in this school but why me?

"Hey, I may not be a nerd or anything smart but I know doors are meant to be opened and door knobs are used for opening it" A voice behind me said. I opened the door like what the man said and entered seeing a sleeping teacher with his head on the desk and two guys who were seated on arm chairs in the corner of the room either playing or texting with their phones. I sat at the other end of the room to be far away from those creepy looking guys.

I took out this new book I just borrowed from my neighbor and it was entitled The Fault in Our Stars. I was feeling a bit good reading it until I was disrupted by the same guy I saw outside the door of the detention room.

"Look what we have here, the number one nerd in school is enjoying himself in detention"

"Wow I feel so honored" I said sarcastically

"Oh don't be such a pussy-"

" A guy saying pussy! A world record!" I said teasing him back. His two other friends laughed

"Oh so you want to play this game huh" He said moving too close for my liking that I can inhale his weird scent

Save me




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