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How to enter?

Well, we'll post 3 different genres each month. There you should comment your story requests. The judges and admins will choose the stories for the final 15 based off of their first few chapters. It would also give your story leverage over others. •Also when requesting tag 5 people to be specially noticed •

Who will determine the winning stories?
We will choose the 45 stories eligible to compete but Wattpadders from all over the world will vote for the best three stories in that genre for that particular month. Also Please note that even if this competition can be accessed from anywhere- we only accept English. (sorry)

What we're looking for?
Okay, so this is a very important question. We're judging based on:
*Grammar (Doesn't have to be perfect, but as close as possible)
*Plot progression
*Originality (We don't want a story that is based on another story or a movie)

How will you know your story is accepted?

When requesting ends we'll choose the stories that have made it through the initial preview stage. We'll post a chapter with all the accepted stories for voting and Pm each author telling them that they have been accepted so they can promote their book.

How many stories can enter for each month?
Well for the 3 genres we'll choose 15 stories from each genre so in total 45 stories will be in the competition per month. 

How many stories can win?
Each category will only have one winner- so for each month there will be three winners- or one story from each genre. However, we will list those who have accumulated a close number of votes- as well as the stories that left an impact with the judges. 

Does your story have to be complete?
Your story doesn't have to be finished to enter. It is expected to have a minimum of 3 chapters.

How to vote?
We'll post a chapter in this book with the 45 stories for each month and allow everyone to vote. To vote for your favorite story, you should simply comment an inline comment saying '+1'

What will happen when you win?
When you win our WHSstoryof *the month* *the year* banner will be added to your story's cover. You will also be added to our reading list, along with those who received honorable mentions. 

Nominating and requesting ends on January 1, 2017

Our sticker is added to all winning books! (Not Compulsory)

If you have any additional questions feel free to PM us or comment it here!

Story Of The Month ContestWhere stories live. Discover now