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Hi every WHS story entry creators and WHS family!

It's with great pleasure to inform you that we appreciate all the support for our competition. We'd like to make this maybe monthly or every 3 months maybe.

But for this month our story entries were amazing and we are super excited to see who will be the winner for each genre!

We'd also like to inform you guys that VOTING ENDS ON JANUARY 25, 2017. All voting will be discontinued on this day at 12!

Best of luck for all the entry's and may the best top 3 story stories win!

Also a special thanks to our contest organizers:



Through the consistency of these three the contest will go on! Thank you guys!

So for now we're monitoring the competition entrys for January 2017 and awaiting February 2017 Nomination date which is FEBRUARY 1, 2017. So for February 1 and couple days beyond will be the nomination days for the February 2017 entry's.

Please note that for February 2017 the genres will be different and we're looking forward to some more awesome stories.

Thanks for the support.

-The Team

Story Of The Month ContestWhere stories live. Discover now