Snow White's POV

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I look around frantically. "Please don't be dead" I think as I search for Elizabeth. I don't know why I care about her so much, I've known her half an hour. Maybe it's because I feel sorry for her. "Elizabeth?" I ask. No reply. I finally see her, slumped in a heap on the floor. I sprint over to her. Right as I'm reaching out to grab her, a wall of fire comes between us, only a couple centimeters away from my fingertips. My hand jerks back instinctively. I pray that she's only unconscious. I realize that if she isn't dead already, she will be soon. She's so small, this much heat has probably already killed her. "Please" I whisper. "Please be okay." Finally, the flame goes down low enough for me to jump over it, and I do. I immediately see that her hand is terribly burnt, and her ankle is obviously broken. But I see the small rises and falls of her chest, and know she's alive. "Thank god." I whisper, with a sigh of relief. If we're leaving, I have to get her to come, but it would be selfish to wake her and put her in pain again, so I get her onto my back. Luckily, she's light, weighing a maximum of seventy pounds. I feel how bony she is, and know she's been starved. I definitely can't let her die now. I quickly look around for a door, and see one on the ceiling on the other side of the room. I rush over to it as fast as I can possibly go, which isn't very fast. For every step I take, the door seems to get two steps further. Finally, I reach it. It's slightly out of my reach, only centimeters away from my fingertips. If I want to open it, I'll have to put Elizabeth down, and I'm not taking that risk. I glance around, looking for something to step on. I find a small wooden block about 15 feet away from me. I run over to it and put it on the ground right below the door. I step up onto it and reach up to open the door. I push Elizabeth out, and then climb out myself. Once I'm out of that horrid place, I look up and see the queen. "Snow, snow, failed by your own selflessness once again. When will you learn to stop being so foolish?" she taunts. I quickly stand and prepare to run, but I can't move. A freezing spell. "You won't win, Victoria." I say. I won't call her my queen. I don't belong to her. I belong to me. "Good always defeats evil.". "Then why is it me capturing you?' she asks. "Stupid girl.". Her men tie my hands behind my back and I'm not frozen anymore. "Snow!" I hear a voice calling from behind me. "Snow! What are you doing to her!". It's Elizabeth. 'Elizabeth! It'll be okay! Run!" I cry. "No! No! Please! Please, I need you to help me!" she sobs. She limps toward me, and is captured by the men too. They tie her up and we're both thrown in a carriage. I look at Elizabeth and she's crying. A lot. "Elizabeth..." I whisper. "We'll be okay." "No! No we won't! We'll be dead! If that's your idea of okay, you're an idiot!" she yells. "I-I'm so sorry... That was awful..." she whispers. "No, it's fine. I'm scared too." I respond. Neither of us talk for a while. All of a sudden, his face pops into my head. "Charming!" I yell. "W-what are you talking about?" Elizabeth asks. "I promised I'd save him. I promised. I'm failing. Now he's going to die." Tears run down my face and fall off of my chin. It's my fault he's going to die. I was so caught up in helping Elizabeth that I forgot about him. A sob tears from my throat. Elizabeth looks down. Finally, we reach the castle. My castle. I should be living there. We are taken to a dungeon, deep under the castle. "Why such security for two little girls?" I ask the Queen. I don't know why. Maybe I just want to taunt her. "Please," she says. "I'm not an idiot," she responds. "I know that you're far more than a 'little girl'". A laugh bubbles deep in my chest, but I don't let it out. She's admitted that I'm powerful. I am snapped out of my daze when I am pushed, and hit the cold, stone floor. Elizabeth is across from me. She cries out when she stumbles into the dark room. "Your leg. It's broken" I say. She just nods, and sits in the corner. I slump against the wall, and cry. I don't know how long it is before I stop. "Charming. I failed you. I'm sorry" I mumble. A guard walks in front of the bars. "Here." he says, as he pushes a small bowl of soup and a piece of bread through a space in the bars. "The queen wanted me to tell you that your execution is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon," he says. I don't respond. My execution. He gives Elizabeth the same food as me, but he doesn't say she'll be executed. "You, on the other hand, will not be killed. You'll be used to help the queen." he says to her. "No. Don't think that that's better than being killed. In fact, it's worse." he whispers, and walks away. I hear Elizabeth whimper. "Elizabeth, no." I say. "You're going to be okay.". "No, I won't. Stop saying that, because you're lying. You know I won't." she says. She doesn't sound angry. No, she sounds terrified. I understand why. "Elizabeth, get some sleep, please. You need it," I say. She lies down, using her coat as a pillow. I don't know how, but I manage to fall asleep too.

In the morning, I wake up in a cold sweat. I had horrible nightmares, although they weren't as bad as the ones I had from the sleeping curse I was under a couple years ago. I run over to the bars to look in Elizabeth's cell. I hope she's okay. I sigh in relief when I see that she's just lying there, still asleep. As if on cue, she wakes up. "Snow." she mumbles. "You're okay. I had the worst nightmares about you dying.". I don't have the heart to tell her that those nightmares will come true today. It's my execution. I guess I begin to cry, because she asks me what's wrong as I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Snow, you'll be okay. I promise." she says. "No." I think. It should be the other way around. I should be comforting her. She's too young for this. She shouldn't be locked up in the queens prison, she should be at school, or playing with her friends. She doesn't deserve this. "Elizabeth?" I whisper. "Yes?" she responds. "I want you to know that I love you. I've barely known you for an entire day, but I do. I promise I'll do everything in my power to stop anything bad from happening to you". I say. She's like a little sister to me. "I know you won't die today." she says. "I believe in you. Good always defeats evil, in the end." she says, quoting me. I can't believe it. This little girl, who is only ten years old, is stronger than almost anybody in this land. But she's wrong. I am going to die today. A million thoughts rush through my head at once, but the most prominent one is, "This is my fault." I don't know what I mean by that, but it sticks in my head. All I do is smile at Elizabeth, and turn to the wall.


I don't know how long it's been, but it must have been at least two hours. I touch my face and realize I've been crying. Again. One of Victoria's men walks into the the room. "It's time," he says, and he unlocks my cell. A weight drops into my stomach. I've always believed in giving your life for things, but I never knew how it would feel to literally be walking to your death. I can't breath, and everything I see is blurred. "Snow! Snow!" Elizabeth calls out. "I love you. Be brave Elizabeth. Y-you're going to be okay!" I call back, as they he drags me behind him. I hear Elizabeth sob. The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke. She pounds against the bars, but it's no use. A sob escapes my throat as the door slams between us.


We've walked for about ten minutes, and all I feel is numb. We reach the field, and everybody is crowded around. I am walked over to a wooden post and tied there. Victoria has her bow and arrows. They pull a blindfold over my face. "Any last words, Snow?" they ask. "Yes," I say. "Kill me if you must, but I will never bow down to a queen who wears a crown studded with a jewel for every life she's ended" I say strongly. And she does.

But as I feel the life leave my body, I realize maybe, I was the villain all along.



Hey guys! Sorry about the length of the chapters in this story... They were all insanely short and this one was really long. I'd just like to say thanks for reading! I got the inspiration for this from the TV show Once Upon A Time. I swear I'll start writing more often soon. Sometimes, my writers block gets so bad that it takes me forever and a day to come up with an idea for a story. Also, I just don't feel like writing sometimes. Bye! One last time, thank you SO much for reading. Love you guys! <3

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