Four Walls and a Roof Pt. 3

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They leave. Dad, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, and Sasha. I pace around the church, tapping my fingers against my gun. Jake tried to calm me down, but I shook my head and went to go cuddle with Judith. I wrapped my arms around her, but in my anxiety, I squeezed too hard, and she began to cry. So calmed her down and left her next to Carl before I could hurt her anymore. Then I went back to pacing. 

"They'll be fine," Allison reassures gently.

"They're cannibals. Look at what they did to Bob." Carl reminds her. She shivers, and Carl kisses her cheek sweetly. "Chill babe."

I snicker, because I know Allison probably just died inside. Sure enough, when I glance back at her, she's staring at me and tapping her toe rapidly, her face as red as fresh blood.

"When did you guys get together?" I tease them, and Allison's face somehow gets a brighter shade of red.

"About the same time you and Jake got together," Carl retorts. As if summoned, Jake presses himself against my back. I stiffen, face burning. He mumbles in my ear as he pulls my waist closer to him. 

"Damn baby, I didn't know we were together," he smiles against my ear. My jaw drops and my heart picks up speed rapidly, Carl and Allison laugh their asses off in front of me. I flip them off as it becomes a struggle to breathe. My vision starts to go red, and their laughter becomes faint. 

"Jake," I plead weakly, pawing at his hands, but he takes it as me begging for him sexually, not desperately as in I'm-going-to-pass-out-if-my-heart-doesn't-slow-the-fuck-down. He hardens, and I feel it against my ass, and my mind and body are so conflicted but my heart is saying no and I can't breathe and I can't see and it hurts my chest hurts oh god it hurts and they're not laughing anymore and Carl yells and Jake drops me and I-


"CASSIE!!" A child's terrified screech wakes me up. I gasp, as the ache in my chest disappears. Carl kneels over me, his eyes full of worry. I turn over and curl into a ball. It happened again. 

"Did she have a panic attack?" Jake whispers to Carl, as if I can't hear. I can hear concern in his voice, but it's laced with hurt. 

"She isn't ready," he snaps at him. "You're going too fast."

"Literally both of you shut the fuck up," Allison glares at the both of them, and extends her hand towards me. I take it slowly and she helps me stand. "We're gonna talk," she mumbles, only so that I can hear. I nod, deciding that she should know at some point. And now is the time. 

She leads me to the only room that isn't occupied by the remaining adults. I think it's Gabriel's room. I feel uneasy telling her in this room. I sit on the desk, and she sits on the chair. 

"What happened? Too much? Because dude, I could feel the sexual tension between you two. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you got preg-"

"Shut up," I laugh. Then I reach for her hand. "I'm not gonna seduce you, keep  that in mind, okay?"

Her forehead creases in mild concern, and she pulls her hand away. "What are you going to do?"

I start to unbutton my flannel. Her eyes widen and she stands up. "No offense, but I don't go for girls."

I blush. "No. I need to show you why I fainted."

"You weren't bitten, were you?" Her voice gets small. Her hands shake as she sits back down.

"No. Just, shut up and don't say anything." I finish the last button and look at her before I pull the sides apart. 

"Go ahead. As long as you're not gonna try and make me horny from seeing your boobs,  I'm fine with it."

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