Cassidy Grimes: No Sanctuary, Pt. 2

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I kicked the gates open, and held my gun in my arms. “No,” Carol whispered. “Use your sword. Makes less noise, and it uses no ammo.” I smiled and slung my gun over my shoulder, and took my katana out. I killed nearby walkers, and Carol smiled all throughout. I remembered my IPod in my pocket, which I always kept, and it still worked, because I still had the charger, in case we came across a house with electricity. I took it out and put earbuds in, and put on my theme song. Carol’s smile disappeared. “What are you-““If I’m going to die, then I want to die listening to my song. Hey, better safe than sorry,” I winked at her, and skipped off.

            I heard screams, and my head whipped around, trying to find the direction it was coming from. Carol rested her hand on my shoulder. “It wasn’t Rick’s scream. Rick is ok. We just have to find them.” I nodded, staring ahead. Carol and I walked ahead, slowly, and we saw ahead that there was someone spraying a hose of water onto the walkers that got near. The pressure was high, it actually knocked them down. Carol turned her head to me and said “You need to get inside. Go find them. Now,” and she gave me a little shove towards the building. I stumbled over there, and I was bumped into by other walkers. I kept my mind on the music that was currently playing, and hummed along to it.

            I finally got to the building, and walked around it. I saw a person with a gun waiting around the corner. “Come out!” she screamed. Bitch, no. I’m getting my family. I tiptoed to the corner and squatted. I gripped my katana, and swung it so it sliced her leg. She shrieked, and I came out. She shot at me, but missed. She growled at me, and I lifted my katana in front of me. She took aim and screamed again as a walker grabbed her head and bit into her neck. I smirked, and saluted to the walker. It just looked at me and stated devouring her. She shrieked again. I giggled as more turned towards her screams and stumbled towards her. I kneeled next to her. Her gun was still in her hand, but she just couldn’t lift it. I smiled at her. She stared at me in pain and horror and hatred.  “You should really shut up. Didn’t you know that sound attracts them?”  I smiled sweetly at her. I rested my katana blade on her stomach. And I dragged it across her stomach, pressing lightly, but it still drew blood. She screamed again, louder and longer, and at last two more came along and stared at her open stomach, and dug in.

            Then I heard this ripping noise. I stared at the walkers, and one stood up holding an arm. I looked down at the woman, or more like what was left of her. There was blood pouring out of her, and I stared at the arm and I cringed.  It sucked because I knew she was barely alive when the arm was ripped out. No chance of her being alive now. More walkers came smelling the blood and ate her.  I shivered and walked on.

            The whole place was a mess. Walkers were scattered everywhere. Some were on the floor eating someone. I shoved some out of my way, and ran into an open door in the building. I walked into a long hallway and Carol was there in the room at the other end. I ran to her.

            I scared her. She gasped, but realized it was me and hugged me. I stared at tables and things on them. There was one was glasses, and another with watches. I hiccupped with sadness when I saw my dad’s watch. I held it in my hand. I felt tears run down my face, and Carol gently took the watch and put it in her pocket. I smiled at her. I saw another table with children’s toys, like action figures, and stuffed animals. I started breathing heavily. Carol looked at me, worried. I backed away from the table. “Cassidy, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Carol asked me, and she rushed to me as I slid onto the floor from a wall. I covered my face. “They killed KIDS!!! Who knows how old, but at least 5 years old!!! These people are crazy! We have to get Carl and the others out of here!!! And dad!!” I sobbed. She stared at me. I could tell she was confused.

            So I told her. I told her about what Jake told me and what I saw in the window. She sighed with sadness at the mention of Sam the Fruit Guy. And I told her about me running from Jakes father. And me finding the work shed, and me hearing those voices. She smiled and looked down. Meanwhile, as I was telling the story, I had stood up and looked at the toys and stuffed animals of the dead kids. It reminded me of my childhood. Well, I didn’t have to spend my childhood I here. But I had to spend my teenage years in this world. Me and Carl. Charlie and Stacy. John and Allison. Jake. He was like, what, 14?

            But Stephanie, Michelle, and Nick would have to live in this. Judith would have to. Judith, I closed my eyes, and I felt Carol’s hands on my shoulders. “She’s alive. She’s ok. She’s with Tyreese. You wanna take something for her?” Carol assured me, reading my mind. I felt my heart soar. My little sister, the last thing that ever touched my alive mother. I nodded, and picked up a blue bear. It was soft, and it was perfect for Judith. It was the same shade of blue that her eyes were. I smiled, and the bear’s eyes seemed to twinkle. I went to another table and saw weapons. I saw Daryl’s crossbow, and Dad’s shotgun. I saw Carl’s gun. I saw Michonne’s sword. I saw John’s crowbar. I saw Charlie’s hammer. Allison’s rifle. I smiled and grabbed the weapons one by one. Carol got Daryl’s crossbow, I wasn’t surprised.  She got dad’s gun too. And the rifle.  I adjusted my hair so it was out of the ponytail.

            We heard a loud bang, and we looked at each other. I grabbed Judith’s bear, Carl’s gun, Charlie’s hammer, and John’s crowbar, and we both ran. The hallway seemed to have people running away, and I wondered who they were. I saw a door swinging, and I looked inside. It was awful. There were huge bodies of meat hanging from hooks, and I realized that it was human bodies that were hanging, but they were skinned.

Carol looked over my shoulder and groaned. I pointed at them. “That’s what could have happened to them,” I explained. I ran into the room and through another door. Carol was right behind me. It was the room where the murders happened. Except the two men who killed them were dead. And so were the others. Carol stared at the lifeless body of Sam. She walked over to him, and saw the blood filled basin. I looked down, and she picked Sam up. She saw the huge cut on his neck, and she dropped him. She was going for the others, when I said “The same happened to them too. No point in checking.” She nodded and we ran out of the death filled room.

I struggled with all the weapons, and I tried to get my own grip with my katana. Carol said we would rest in the next room, and so we walked on. The next room was one with a bunch of candles in it. I set down everything in a little open space, and I tried to figure out what would work for carrying it. I tried putting the bear in my pocket, and it didn’t fit. I decided to just put it in my hoodie pocket. The guns would go in my pockets, and the rifle would be slung across my shoulder. I smiled as it fit. “What are you doing?” I heard an unfamiliar voice. I looked up, but it wasn’t directed towards me. It was towards Carol. I stiffened, and I pulled my knees towards my chest. The woman had a gun pointed at Carol. I growled. I raised my gun at her, but Carol just shook her head slightly. I set it down, but I stood up. I heard Carol say something, and the woman lunged at her. I shrieked, but they took no notice, as they were rolling on the floor wrestling the other off of one another. I was worried because of the huge cloth Carol was wearing and all the candles. She could be set on fire.

Carol stood up and aimed the woman’s gun at her. I smiled weakly as the woman stood up, with no defense. I stared in hatred at the woman as she said words that I was too angry to hear. “I said WHERE ARE THEY?” Carol screamed at her. I decided that I had had enough and I grabbed Allison’s rifle from over my shoulders. I walked towards her and shot her in the knee. The woman screamed in pain and agony, falling to the floor, and I simply laughed. Carol stared at me but said nothing. I asked the woman where my family was. The woman replied, “I’ll never tell.” I shrugged. “Suit yourself,” I smirked at her, and I walked towards a door that led outside, Carol following me. I smiled wide as I saw shadows of feet outside, knowing they belonged to walkers. The woman started muttering “No, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!” And ended with a scream as she realized what I was going to do. I shrugged again, and she stared at me pleadingly. I lifted my middle finger at her, flipping her off. Carol stared at me in disbelief, and I threw the door open.

The woman like the idiot she is, screamed louder than before, and the walkers who were starting to walk away turned towards the source of the noise, but were ignoring me and Carol. She scooted away, but with no use. They ate her anyway. I slammed the door closed, pulling Carol behind me. Carol said nothing, and we heard gunshots. And a child’s scream. Carol turned towards me, her eyes twinkling. “Nice work, but I don’t think flipping her off and letting walkers inside was necessary.” I looked at the ground, but she lifted my chin lightly so I was looking at her. She smiled, letting me know it was ok either way. I smiled back, and she hugged me. “Get out of here, find Judith and Tyreese and Stacy, they should be in the shed you were hiding behind,” she informed me, and I nodded. I turned around when she added, “oh, and leave the cloth behind. We don’t need it.” She winked at me, and she was gone. My hands went inside my hoodie pockets, and they touched the softness of the bear. My eyes brimmed with tears, and I smiled. I ran towards the gates and ran out.

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