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Chapter One

Jail. There’s only one word to describe this pitiful place. Annoying and if I had to choose another it would most definitely be under guarded. Of course, they think they have the perfect amount of officers but they never had someone like me in here. If I wanted to I could break through the metal bars in a second and be out of here but I enjoy watching the officers taunt and tease me, unaware that when they stick their ugly heads close to the bars I’m tempted to break their necks.

      Like right now, Officer Zelke, the dick who “visits” me every day. His visits are more like gloats. He is one ugly man, all of them are. His big head is bald, with huge grey eyes and eye brows that are pretty much caterpillars crawling on his head, he has a bushy beard that always has some sort of crumb in it and his teeth are yellow. Oh, and he has bad breath.

      His laugh sounds like a hyena’s and he’s got short stubby fingers that always seem to make their way through the bars. It’s like he hates me yet wants me, and his voice annoys the hell out of me. I have heard it a couple times a day ever since I have been here, well, I haven’t been here that long, only three weeks but it’s amazing how fast someone can get under your skin and stay there.

      “Miss Havens,” Officer Zelke says while walking back and forth in front of my cell with his hands behind his back, his short legs working hard to keep up his fast ace, “you’re still here. I would have thought your parents would have bailed you out by now. ”

      I make a face at him. He knows my parents won’t do crap for me; he’s just trying to get a reaction. I just shrug; act bored and sit on the springy cot against the far wall. I run my fingers over the rough fleece blanket and my lips curl up a bit at the corners. “Oh Bruce, we both know that I don’t need my parents to get out of this cell.”

      He stops pacing and looks at me, though my eyes are still on the blanket I can hear everything he does. Actually I can hear anything going on in this building. Like down the hall, a few cells down is a girl, maybe a year older than me, she’s turning the pages of a book and just sneezed twice. At the end of the hall there is a man, he’s pacing the length of his cell and just punched his bed because he doesn’t think he deserves to be here.

      “What do you mean?” He gulps slightly and I look up, the smile on my face now huge. I stand up and walk to the edge of the bars and lean against it, my arms hanging through the holes, “you have to have some sort of idea.”

      He just shakes his head and takes a step closer. I smile, yes, come closer. As if on cue he takes another step forwards and now he’s close enough for me to reach out and grab him if I wanted to. “Officer?”

      He blinks twice and nods, and after a couple seconds finally spits out, “what?”

      I reach my arms out and run my fingers along the course of his chest, and say in my most seductive tone, “you know Mr. Zelke; I have always found you so attractive.” On the inside i’m gagging. How much it pains me to utter those words but i’m not close to being done yet. My fingers find their way up to his disgusting face.

      “Kiss me.” He whispers in a sigh and I presume this behaviour is from my fingers on his face and from me being so near. I have that affect on humans.

      “Let me out.” I whisper while pressing myself harder against the bars.

      He shakes his head, apparently there’s an ounce of recognition left. I guess I’ll have to do things my own way. Before he even realizes what i’m doing I grab his shirt and pull him against the bars, he hits with an oof and in a split second I rip his keys off of his belt throw him with all my strength against the far wall. His back hits first then his head and he slips down the wall, a trail of blood following in his wake. His eyes droop closed and I have a feeling they won’t be opening again. Oh well, he’s not the first man I have killed. I won’t lose sleep over it.

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