after i got of the floor i managed to get to the door with no moore problems! what to do what to do hmmmmmmmmmmm i thought your probably woundering dont you have i job well nope i dont but kittys a model for forever 21 and hollister so we get LOADS of money YAY! back to the present not the futre or the past but the PRESENT! i go to the park loads people call me a 5 year old phshhh i dont know why!
"ohhhh pretty birdy ima call you cathy kiddy extra chocolate but for short ill call you cathy!" i said talking to a pidgeon i picked her up and walked into starbucks just down the road when i was about to order the cashier person said " ma'am please take your bird out side " so i did what normal me would do i smiled and said " this is no bird this is cathy my bird she is highley offended so i would like a karate tea coz im a ninga and a big chocolate chip cookie please" he finally spoke up "whats your name" so i decided to say "sherlock holmes" "ok" he said a little creeped out. finally my order came "sherlock holmes" the dude said and everyone started laughing so i put on a big coat and walked over there took it and walked out!
i put cathy down and gace her, her cookie and i started taking to her hehehe shes very shy and quiet!!!
Louis tomlinsons P.O.V (day before this happened to Riley)
we had just finished a concert in america and decided to go to starbucks tommorow i was so excited for tommorow we get to explore california withour paul yayayayayayay i decided i wanted it to come quicker so i fell asleep just like that!"
i woke up smelling pancakes i walked down and harry was just finishing putting them on the table "har.." i started "no shush just eat but ..." he said after that i shouted "BUTS ARE FOR SITTING ON!" at this point everyone was dressed and ready to go as we walked in we saw the waiter say "sherlock holmes" we all started laughing and a girl walked up with a pigeon and walked off i told the boys we should follow her so thats exactly what we did they said she seems as though shes exactly like me. it was funny though watching her talk to a pidgeon called cathy i think after that we decided to leave well the boys did i didnt i just watched her as they left me! i decided to keep following her for the day.