What can I get you Sir?

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"What can I get you" I ask subconsciously shooting one of my 'custom smiles' soon changing it to a more genuine ones. He pauses scanning quickly over the menu I pushed in his direction "umm... What can I have?" He chortled running a finger along the length of the breakfast page "anything you want sweet" I replied wiping down and setting tables for the breakfast rush, if you can really call it a rush. I'm the only one who works mornings and it's not until 12 noon that Jay and Em come in. They're convinced they have 'things to do' where as I am single and somewhat lonely so I don't care when I start or how long I work for as long as I get paid and get my surf. Considering I'm normally the only one in (apart from Mannie the cook; secluded man keeps himself to himself kinda guy) I slip into day dreams and do things in my subconscious i.e. Sing. "Nice voice you got there" Harry pipes up a smirk curling at the corners of his full lips. I instantly snap out back into reality feeling my face burn a brighter shade of pink "um y-yeah I I mean thanks" I'm internally screaming. Rather loudly. To the point where I have to hide under the bar for a minute to compose myself. "Are you okay?" Harry shouts from his table. I shoot up like a weird little meerkat hitting my head on the counter "shit" I grab my head "perfectly fine thank you" I reassure before busying myself folding napkins in silence realising this really attractive guy I've never met before was internally judging me because I've made a complete tit of myself within the first 15 minuets of us meeting. I crumble slightly as I hear Harry's faint chuckle ring though the quiet room "I like you Sophie, you're kinda adorable" oh bloody thanks "adorable in an attractive way" what the f... I lift my head a shoot him a confused look because to my surprise he was situated right in front of me. I jumped back slightly taking my absent mindedness into consideration for the fact I had no idea he'd got up from he seat let alone walk right bloody up to my face. I put down the napkin I'm currently folding and rest my weight into my left hip "did you just call me attractive?" I question in a rather patronising manor "and what difference does it make if I did" damn it he's not just a pretty face. He has whit, something I lack in greatly. I blame that on the fact I have no one around at home to make sarcastic banter with apart form myself and I'm desperately trying not to add 'mental case' to my long list of worrying features I uphold. "Breakfast" I almost shout. Harry spins on the balls of his feet to face me again "what about it?" He leans his weight on the nearest table, crossing his legs "what can I get you sir?" I whipped my pen and notepad out like two guns in a western cowboy shoot out and Harry mimicked my stance. What am I doing. This is completely not me. Don't get me wrong I like it but what the hell am I doing. I burst out laughing and so does he and we're laughing so hard that we have to sit down "now seriously what can I get you for breakfast" I compose myself and wipe away my tear stained cheek. Harry takes a deep breath trying hard to stifle his giggles "um I'll have the full English please" I scooped my hair back into a loose ponytail and took the order to Mannie. He didn't talk or say anything to me, just nodded and smiled sweetly before occupying himself with cooking Harry's breakfast.

It's a quiet morning probably due to the previous rainstorm but it was a nice way to get to know this mystery guy better. "I feel like I've known you for forever" it just slipped from my mouth as I slumped down in the seat opposite him "well an hour is quite a long time" Harry chuckles. We sit and make random small talk until small groups of customers drip in and out and Harry finishes his meal. He settles his bill and before I know it he's gone and it's nearly 12pm and the end of my shift for a while but it's Monday so I work mornings and evening which gives me 4 hours of free time. That means only one thing to me. Surf.

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