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By twenty one pilots

By twenty one pilots

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Night falls with gravity,
The earth turns from sanity,
Taking my only friend I know,
He leaves a lot, his name is "Hope".

I'm never what I like,
I'm double sided, and I just can't hide,
I kind of like it when I make you cry,
'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up inside.

The horrors of the night melt away,
Under the warm glow of survival of the day,
Then we move on,
My shadow grows taller, along with my fears,
And my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near.

When the sun is climbing window sills,
And the silver lining rides the hills,
I will be saved for one whole day,
Until the sun makes the hills its grave.

I'm never what I like,
I'm double sided, and I just can't hide,
I kind of like it when I make you cry,
'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up inside.

I'm never what I like,
I'm double sided, and I just can't hide,
I kind of like it when I make you cry,
'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up inside my mind.

I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic,
But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on.

I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic,
But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on.

I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic,
But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on.

I'm semi-automatic, my prayer's schizophrenic,
But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on.

By the time the night wears off,
The dust is down and shadows burn,
I will rise and stand my ground,
Waiting for the night's return.

I'm never what I like,
I'm double sided, and I just can't hide,
I kind of like it when I make you cry,
'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up inside.

I'm never what I like,
I'm double sided, and I just can't hide,
I kind of like it when I make you cry,
'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up inside my mind.

Datos Curiosos

1. En la canción, Tyler se describe a sí mismo como dos diferentes personas que son tan diferentes como el día y la noche. La noche representa el lado oscuro de sí mismo, un lado que no le gusta y en el que no puede controlarse, sin embargo, con la salida del sol, el puede hacerse cargo de sí mismo.

2. En la revista británica "Rock Sound", Tyler menciona que le gusta contrastar las melodías alegres y letras tristes de sus canciones de forma en la que sus simpatizantes queden enganchados por el ritmo y después se den cuenta «lo que la canción dice realmente».

3. Lo que significa "Semi-Automatic" (semiautomático) en la canción, es que Tyler puede controlar sus movimientos pero incluso así es incapaz de controlar sus emociones y con ellas, su mente.

N/A: Si conoces algún otro dato curioso puedes dejarlo en un comentario:


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