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By Harry Styles

By Harry Styles

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She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
And all the boys, they were saying they were into it
Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck

She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it
I'm kind of into it
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it
Oh, I think she said, "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business.
I'm having your baby, it's none of your business (it's none of your, it's none of your).
I'm having your baby (), it's none of your business.
I'm having your baby (hey), it's none of your, it's none of your."

It's New York, baby, always jacked up
Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up
When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus
In a black dress, she's such an actress

Driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it
I'm kind of into it
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it
Oh, I think she said, "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business.
I'm having your baby, it's none of your business (it's none of your, it's none of your).
I'm having your baby, it's none of your business.
I'm having your baby, it's none of your, it's none of your."

She sits beside me like a silhouette
Hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet
And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it
It's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this

It's none of your, it's none of your
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business."
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business" (it's none of your, it's none of your)
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business" (it's none of your, it's none of your)

Datos Curiosos

1. Mientras Harry cantaba "Kiwi" en un show en Londres resbaló con un kiwi que fue lanzado al escenario. Este incidente causó que la tienda "Asada" de Manchester hiciera cumplir una prohibición de no vender kiwis a fans menores de veinticinco años para proteger al cantante de futuros shows en la ciudad.

2. La niña que protagoniza el videoclip es nada más y nada menos que Beau Gadsdon quien tiene una aparición en la película "Rogue One: a Star Wars Story".

3. En BBC Radio Harry explicó un poco sobre la canción, dijo:
«Inició como una broma, ahora es una de mis canciones favoritas. Fue una de las primeras que escribí para el álbum, cuando estaba dejando salir mucha energía. No había escrito en un largo tiempo y esto fue lo que salió de ello.»

4. El primer verso de la canción hace referencia a una chica que si bien es ruda, con una naturaleza rebelde que atrae a muchos hombres, también se trata de una mujer inteligente.

N/A: Si conoces algún otro dato curioso puedes dejarlo en un comentario:


Harry papasito Styles me trae... 😂♥️

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