Afire Love

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By Ed Sheeran

By Ed Sheeran

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Things were all good yesterday
And then the devil took your memory
And if you fell to your death today
I hope that heaven is your resting place
I heard the doctors put your chest in pain
But then that could have been the medicine
And now you're lying in the bed again
Either way I'll cry with the rest of them

My father told me, son
It's not his fault he doesn't know your face
You're not the only one
Although my grandma used to say
He used to sing

Darlin' hold me in your arms
The way you did last night
And we'll lie inside
For a little while here oh

I could look into your eyes
Until the sun comes up
And we're wrapped in light and life and love
Put your open lips on mine
And slowly let them shut
For they're designed to be together oh
With your body next to mine
Our hearts will beat as one
And we set alight
We're afire love

Love, love

Things were all good yesterday
Then the devil took your breath away
Now we're left here in the pain
Black suit black tie standing in the rain
And now my family is one again
Stapled together with the strangers and a friend
Came to my mind I should paint it with a pen
Six years old I remember when

My father told me, son
It's not his fault he doesn't know your face
You're not the only one
Although my grandma used to say
He used to sing

Darlin' hold me in your arms
The way you did last night
And we'll lie inside
For a little while here oh

I could look into your eyes
Until the sun comes up
And we're wrapped in light and life and love
Put your open lips on mine
And slowly let them shut
For they're designed to be together oh
With your body next to mine
Our hearts will beat as one
And we're set alight
We're afire love

Love, love

See the love, the love, the love, the love

My father and all of my family
Rise from their seats to sing hallelujah
And my mother and all of my family
Rise from their seats to say hallelujah
And my brother and all of my family
Rise from their seats to sing hallelujah
(To my brother and my sister, yeah, ah)
My father and all of my family
Rise from their seats to sing

To the love, the love, the love, the love

Datos Curiosos

1. Ed escribió esta canción sobre su abuelo, un católico Irlandés que sufrió de Alzheimer los últimos veinte años de su vida hasta que finalmente falleció en el 2013, la comenzó quince días entes de que su abuelo falleciera y la terminó en el día del funeral.

2. Cuando el abuelo de Ed era joven solía hacerle serenatas a su esposa con canciones que él mismo componía. El fragmento: "Darlin' hold me in your arms the way you did last night and we'll lie inside for a little while here, I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up and we're wrapped in light and life and love" era, de hecho, una canción original suya.

3. Ed confesó que su abuelo nunca supo realmente quién era él, ya que tiene 28 primos y nunca convivieron mucho.

N/A: Si conoces algún otro dato curioso puedes dejarlo en un comentario:


Ed Sheeran es un rey y genio, su música simplemente me cautiva.

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