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"Marlowe honey, why are you out here? It's nearly four in the morning" my mom smoothly asks as the screen door lightly clicks into place behind her. I glance up, amused I've been out here for that long. I smirk up at her and just stare. She's quite beautiful at her age, like a "fine wine" as some of the elders have said around our village.
"Just enjoying the view Ma" I whisper. She glides over to me and settles herself in the seat next to me on the porch swing. I willingly move over, feeling her body heat radiate over to mine.
"You were thinking about the Gene weren't you?" She moves a stray of mucky blonde hair out of my eyes and tucks it softly behind my ear.
I don't reply, she already know. No need to confirm her thoughts.
"Why are you up this early Ma?" I ask, pleading she doesn't turn the conversation back to my Genes.
"I always get up this early, I'm going for a run" her smile deepens and she slowly stands up.
"As human or Canis?"
"Hmm I haven't decided yet, I haven't worked out my human side in a while. Would you like to join me Aurelia?"
She stretches her arms as I ponder for a few.
"No thankyou Ma, when you come back breakfast will be made" I slowly smile. Raising the liquid with hot tea to my lips, feeling the warm honey and peppermint smear across my bottom lip. 
She smiles and swiftly descends the wooden steps with a thump and heads off towards Whitekamp Forest. She dodges fallen logs and holes that many wolves have made in the last few half moons.
That's when we transition, without being able to hold it back. Half moon meanings half becoming what we are, transitioning to what is our full potential. I don't understand where someone thought that the full moon is what makes our transition.
As I shake my head of those thoughts, I look out toward the sea that's less then a mile away. I notice a girl, with red hair.. Juniper.
My heart flutters faster as my breathing hitches and I awkwardly stand up, deciding if I should speak to her or stay here and in the process of my rough movements I spill hot tea on me, I yelp but quickly cover my mouth not wanting to wake up my brothers or Pa.
I settle the cup on the oak wood railing and decide to stay put. She looks peaceful, I wouldn't want to be the one who disturbs that peace. I turn around leaning against the rail and finish what's left of my tea and smirk at the thought of her brown doe eyes. I step inside and proceed to make breakfast for the family, as I walk in my brother Juno is leaning against the counter with his head in his hands and by the looks of it he's asleep. I roll my eyes, and place the cup softly on the counter. I turn around and gaze out the window, I still see her, standing in the waves as the water wraps around her feet delicately. Arms at her sides as the winds plays with her hair, I smile.

"Ares, can you not make a mess?" Pa, groans as he sits down heavily on the wooden chair. I laugh, continuously drinking my tea and focus on the family members around me.
Ma, looking distracted with the recent news about the polar bears in Antarctica. Looking over, there's Pa, exhaustion etched on his face as he glares at Ares and his syrup mess that he somehow created within five minutes of him sitting down.
Juno, watching a humming bird out the window playing with a lovely yellow and pink companion. They swirl around each other like ribbons and soon zip off to into the forest.
And me, sitting silently. Glaring at my eggs and bacon, knowing I need to eat but somehow don't have the stomach for it, so I continue to drink my honey peppermint tea.
After they're done, Ares offers to clean the dishes and the kitchen. I give a slight nod as a thankyou, because normally who cooks, cleans the dishes and kitchen. He lightly grabs my upper arm and leans in to give me a kiss on the forehead. I smile, Ares has always been sweet to me even when I'm sometimes stubborn and rude.
I walk outside, it's a still kind of cold, where's there's no wind and it feels comforting. I leap into the rough ground and feel the light snow crunch under my weight with each step. I head toward the path that my Ma went on just this morning. Overthinking and analyzing dilemmas in my head, I had not
realized that I broke into a run until my lungs were screaming for me to breathe, and my legs were aching for me to stop. I smirked, feeling powerful I continued my constant speed. I may have not transformed into a wolf yet, but my speed has definitely involved into the speed of one. I didn't have time to stop until after I slammed into another body full of  elbows and knees and red hair. My velocity knocking us both off our feet and onto the cold ground in awkward positions.
The wind being knocked out of me, I hadn't registered that the figure I had entangled with limbs and red hair was indeed Juniper. I gasp, leaning forward and groaning as I clutch my ribs, aches radiating up my sides.
Juniper slowly leans up on one elbow and starts laughing as she is clutching her head,
"Talk about a Big Ban-" she stops suddenly as she looks at me. Her cheeks redden and I feel my ears grow hot.
"Oh my go- Marlowe" she whispers as she gets into her knees, lending a hand to help me up. I wince as I slant forwards, biting my lip. I start laughing, and so does she.
"Well I guess this is one way for me to start talking to you" I say once I'm done laughing, and then quickly shut my mouth realizing what I said and my eyes open like a deer in the headlights. She stares at me, I can't read her expression but I can feel what she's feeling and it's warm, so that's a good sign.. right?
"You.. you wanted to talk to me?" She asks, smiling wide. I smile back in response and nod.
"Well then I'm glad you ran into me at sixty miles an hour" she chuckles.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't even notice that someone was in front of me until I was already in the process of being knocked over!" I began, smirking as she giggles.
"Oh no, it's cool I've always wanted a girl to knock the wind out of me" she winks and stands up, helping me up.
As soon as I was about to ask her something, she went off down the way I came.
"Bye Red" I grin, talking lowly I clutching my side and advance down the way she came.

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