
21 1 0

I made sure I didn't go to sleep that night, She ran through my mind like water carving its way through an ice berg. Slowly Imprinting its self like a permanent marking. She was beautiful, the way she smiled and giggled after I said something. How she gave me her attention, like I wasn't boring and had interesting stuff to say. She was a soft glow from within and I knew my soul claimed her before she spoke, she was what I needed.
Anticipation claws at my mind, glancing at the clock it's nearly three. I squeal, my cheeks start to ache and I know no one has made me smile the way she does.
The cold breeze sweeps through my room, no obstacles getting in its way and it flows freely, finding my feet and making me shiver. The winter breeze reminds me of orange and red leaves playing in the air when the wind sweeps them up and they magically dance between the trees.
I sit up and get ready putting on my warm leggings and loose long sleeve maroon shirt and ditch the boots.
On the way out the door, the ground underneath me crunches from the cold and the sound is satisfying. I quickly run my fingers through my hair and try to untangle the knots that quickly come within 5 seconds of stepping out into the cold.
Juniper, is sitting on a dark blanket close enough to the water to soak her feet but far enough away where the blanket stays dry. The sand between my toes feels nice as I make my way to her, as I arrive closer her eyes are closed and her face is tilted towards the sky, she's feeling the nice breeze, the way it nips at the skin but at the same time is relaxing.
I sit down next to her, her warmth hovers over to me and I welcome it, without thinking I grab her hand with my right arm and lace my fingers with hers. She smiles widely and I feel my heart thump against my chest and my ears heat up from blushing. She pulls me closer and I'm no longer cold, only comfortable. Laying my head on her shoulder and closing my eyes listening to her breathe, the way the waves glide into the shore, her toes moving in the sand and her humming, a soft sweet tune that's relaxing. I slowly open my eyes again, realizing that I'm falling asleep. I get embarrassed, and my ears heat up again.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was falling asleep" I giggle as she winks at me and nods towards the sky, I look up.
"What constellation is that?" She slowly asks.
"That my darling, is your constellation. Sagittarius" I whisper. She smiles at me and leans over to cover my feet, she shyly smiles.
"They looked cold"
"Oh they were, once I stepped outside they became numb"
She nudges me and laughs.
"Look, you see that star right there? And if you look up higher you'll realize that it forms a triangle" as I start explaining what star follows what I notice she is just looking at me. Her warm gaze makes me bite my lip, trying to continue what I'm saying but every word turns into a faded sentence that I can no longer remember what I was saying.
"I want a kiss" I say making two kissing sounds and she quickly kisses me, her warmth flows through me and makes me shiver with delight, I taste mints and coffee and slowly kiss her wrapping my arm around her and my other hand in her hair, gripping I pull her close. I want to feel her heartbeat against my chest, I want to hear her breathe in air as we kiss, unable to pull away. I need her, I'm the oxygen to her fire and without either of us we both slowly die. We slowly break apart, she puts her forehead to mine and we stay like that, her palm on the side of my face and my thumb playing with her bottom lip, slowly pulling her lip down with my thumb and tracing it along her jaw.
I kiss her again, unable to resist her kisses and wanting more. Just tasting her once, and she became mine. I bite her bottom lip and pull, she grips my arm and leans me back. Her leaning over me and tracing her fingertips along my side and arm like Something delicate and meaningful to her and it warms my heart. She kisses me repeatedly all over my face and I bust out a fit of giggles, squealing as she kisses my neck like a chicken, swift and quick.
"Juniper!" I squeal, feeling her laugh against my skin. And she stops, smiling at me and moving a piece of hair that was on my face.
"Can we sleep?" She asks warmly.
"Do you have another blanket?"
"Of course!" She laughs, pulling a large fluffy blanket from a bag.
I smile and we lay down, her body heat keeps me warm and I curl up against her, her heartbeat thumping like a soothing melody. I began to drift off, the last sound I hear are the waves gliding onto the shore and the shallow breathes of her falling asleep.

"Wake up Red" I whisper, poking her side.
"What, what?" She asks, laughing as she rubs her eyes.
"Look, mars and Venus" I point excitingly, they're quite beautiful today. Mars, is orange with a tint of red and Venus, bright little light that makes it quite astonishing. She smiles and follows the movements of my finger when I explain to her the stars names.
"Ya know, it's nearly 5am" she smirk, grabbing a red apple.
"I hate the green ones" she states as she takes a huge chunk out of the apple. The juices go down her cheek and I wipe it off, laughing as she blushes. She reaches over and grabs me a green one, I smile.
"I know you like green ones, yellow and red apples, and I grabbed these two before my Idiot brother took them" she smiles and I take a bite, it feels good on my empty stomach.
"Which one is your idiot brother?" I smirk.
"Ahh, ahah well thankyou for saving these apples, they're quite delicious" I say, sinking my teeth into the apple. Looking towards the ocean, the sun makes the sky look as if it was painted. Oranges, pinks with splashes of blue and red.
"I'd love to paint that one day" I whisper.
"You should, you'd rock it" she leans close to me, her lips lightly graze my cheek and I quickly turn my head and kiss her on the lips. Tasting the juices of the apple and mints, I lean back giving her a kiss on her forehead. She's still warm, she's still beautiful, even with bed head.
"What else do you got in that magically bag of yours?" I bite my lip, laughing as excitement shines in her eyes.
"Okay close your eyes"
"Mmm okay" I smile.
As I close my eyes I can hear her pull something out of her bag, sounds plastic.
"Now.. smell it"
Her voice sounds excited and I can't help but smile so much that I can start feeling that ache in my cheeks but I don't care.
It's sweet, the smell is familiar.
"Apple pie" I open my eyes and she's holding 1 fork, and a plate.
"Wait, where's your fork?" She makes a face and shakes her head no. She pulls something out of a blanket next to her.
"Cherry pie" she giggles and it make my heart flutter.
"How did you know I liked apple pie" I ask a few moments later, setting down the plate.
"That's for another time" she leans over and pulls me against her, she's quite strong and it's most attractive thing ever, especially because I can't even carry my own weight which is quite bad.
I've never been a fan of cherry pie but tasting it on her lips makes it taste better.
"You know, I'll have to make breakfast for everyone in a couple of minutes" I say as we pull apart.
"I know, Ares and You always cook breakfast and it smells quite fantastic when I run by before I transform into the woods" she tucks a lock of my plain hair behind my ears and pokes all the freckles on my face.
"That's my favorite" she says as she pokes the middle of my nose.
"That's my favorite freckle" she kisses me and I pull her so close to me I can feel her heart hammer against my chest, I can feel the warmth of her skin sink into mine chilling me with satisfaction.
"Have breakfast with my family and I, they wouldn't mind at all and they love company" I say as I take a piece of her cherry pie and rub it on her lips, and giggle as she starts kissing me. I snort and immediately cover my mouth and laugh, she looks at me and makes a face.
"Ha, my baby's a snorter" she teases.
"Only yours" I grip her by the shirt and pull her closer to me. Kiss her until she can hardly breathe.
"You'll go?"
"Of course"
I smile, she instantly gets up and starts packing the blankets.
I'm still sitting in the sand until she looks back at me.
"You coming?"
"Yes" is all I say as I run up to her and we walk to my house together, my fingertips playing with hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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