Growing Up || @HurdleAProblem

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  Problem :  Growing Up

  Suggested by : Tron [ TrontheJudge]

Solution by : HurdleAProblem [The #HAP Team]


Every kid dreams about 'growing up'. But only after they grow up do they realise how much they miss being a kid.

'Growing up' is a problem that I think everybody faces at either one point or another in their lives.

'Growing up' can seem very hard. You don't get to do the stuff you used to do. You have more responsibility, less free time, no longer have the excuse of "You're a kid", have higher expectations from everyone and everything seems a whole lot harder.

But if you forget about all the cons, growing up might actually be fun!

A  good thing about growing up is that more opportunities appear. You are more trusted, letting you be able to take part in jobs and events that you were too young to do before. Like when you are 18, you can enter the lottery, vote, get a tattoo, go skydiving, donate blood,etc. But let's not forget that you can finally drive!!!

Plus, let's not forget as an 'older person', you gain more respect from people younger and older than you. And who knows, some younger kids might even look up to you and make you their role model.

Another advantage of growing up is that you gain freedom. You get to 'live your own life' without being controlled or restricted to anything. You get to call the shots. When you grow up, you can basically do want you want to do. Just make sure you use this power wisely.

The disadvantage of it is going through all the obstacles, the advantage is the great feeling of looking back and saying I did it.

If you're struggling with the fact you're growing up too quick, focus on all the new responsibilities you have and all the new experiences you can enjoy. If you feel you're growing up too slow, focus on all the things you can do now and enjoy those activities.

Growing up means taking responsibility for ever actions you make. It's not by age or anything. Even though you grow up, you'll always have that kid inside of you. You can either look at 'growing up' as a burden or as an amazing new adventure. Things will only be bad depending on the way you think. It's your choice.

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The #HAP Team

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