Legitness -3

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It started to get dark so we decided to go to bed.


The next morning i woke up and thought to myself that he looked so cute when he sleeps. I took a shower and got dressed and then I went into my room saw Justin awake.

Me,  Dangit

JB,  What

Me,  I didnt get to wake u up like i wanted too.

JB, Oh sorry

Me, Its fine

J, hey

Me, yeah

J,  um....would you want to....be my gf?

Me, YES!!!!

J,  (sigh) ok im glad you said yes because i would have been a little broken if you said no

Me, well babe its ok I have liked ever since I laid eyes on you.

J, oh i kind have to tell you something

Me, yeah

J, same

We giggled because of the way he said it. (3 hours later)

J, do you want to watch a movie

Me, yeah but can it be a scary movie tho

J, sure what scary movie

Me, how about lights out

J, ok just know that ill be right next to you.

Me, ok

Justins pov

So we were watching lights out and when shawna got scared she would jump and just laughed when she jumped. After i would laugh she would hit me with a pillow lightly and say dont laugh at me.

After the movie we stared into each others eyes and i asked her if she wanted to stay the night and she said sure.

Justin Blake and Me!!Where stories live. Discover now