Chapter 30: Is She Really Gone?

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Broden's body lay lifeless, still bound to the chair. A sudden highpitched squeal came from his body as his mouth shot open and a huge puff of blackness escaped him.
"She's out of him!" I stated to April, her hand wrapping around my arm and grabbing me nervously. "She won't stay away forever."

We untied Broden and carried him upstairs to his bedroom where we lay his boys on top of his bed. He continued to lay lifeless, the rhythmic sound of his breathing the only thing showing us that he was still alive.

We left Broden to rest upstairs, Kuza and I both coming downstairs to cook dinner for the rest of our family. Demoina and Estella had no idea what had been happening with their brother. We had continuously told them he was just feeling ill as they were far too young to understand.

As we all sat down at the table, a loud thump came from upstairs. Mike threw his cutlery down and made a run for it.

I ran into Broden's room as fast as I could, thinking that Fran would be back again so soon. But I was wrong.
Broden had woken up, dazed and confused. He'd spent days under Fran's control, so obviously he was quite starving. I knelt down next to him as he was standing next to his bed, and kissed him on his forehead.
"I love you" I repeated to him.

I took Broden's hand and helped him walk down the stairs where I put him in a chair and helped him eat. His body would feel weak and useless for a few days until he fully recovers.

HELLO!!!!!!! It's been such a long time!!! I'm so so so so so sorry!! I've missed you all so much and I feel my absence has really let all of my fans down. You guys are my world and I'm so grateful that you guys have stuck with this book through its entire journey!
I'm hoping to put up another chapter for this soon - and at least one chapter for all of my other books now because everyone has been skiing for updates.
You're all so wonderful!
Please enjoy this chapter and continue to vote/comment and tell me what you wanna see happen next - or maybe you want me to start a new story that you'd be interested to read??

You can find me on my social media:
Instagram: _00djonty00_
Snapchat: aprilxlindsayx
Twitter: aprilrocksxoxo
Tumblr: ilyolisykes (warning it is a ddlg/nsfw blog and I'd encourage you to check it out with caution)
I'm also on YouTube: April Harrison
I DO NOT accept anyone on Facebook as that is a space for my friends and family ONLY. Although my music page is there for you to discover (same as my YouTube channel)
I love you all my beautiful Creatures!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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