Chapter 2: Lust.

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We caught a cab back to the hotel where I was staying in town and payed the driver once we left.
"Thank you!" I said to the man. He stared at me in shock as he looked at my piercings.

We made it to my hotel room, which, unfortunately, was not 666. It was 135.
I swiped my room card and opened the door, letting her in first.
"A gentleman!" she said, sounding surprised. I nodded and squeezed her butt as she walked in, making her flinch.
"That's quite a mighty bed you have there!" she said as she flopped herself down on her back onto the bed.
"I ordered the suite with the biggest one!" I said as I laid myself on top of her. "Can I ask you something?" I questioned.
"Sure." she nodded.
"Are you......" I paused.
"A virgin? Yes." she tilted her head to look up at me, my body pressed against hers, my lips on her shoulder.
"Want me to change that for you?" I questioned as I let the cold metal of my piercings hit her skin.
"Please?" she begged.

I woke up the next morning and rolled over. I was still in Kuza's hotel room.
As I lay my head back onto the pillow and adjust my eyesight, I notice, on his back, multiple scratch marks, some seeming deeper than others.
I put my finger onto one and drag it down his back gently, making him flinch in pain.
"You're feisty, woman!" he barked at me. "Look what else you did!" He tilted his shoulder down at my eye level and I noticed deep bite marks. Blood had covered his pillow case and seeped onto the mattress, but it seems he didn't care.
I pulled the sheets off my body and flung my legs out the side, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Bruises scattered my legs like a bad case of the measles.
"What the actual fuck?" I asked, sounding astonished.
"That would be my fault." his cheeks turned pink.
I stood up, fully unaware of what actually happened last night. From what I can recall, I blacked out and Kuza continued thrusting into me, not giving a fuck if I were unconscious or not.
I tripped over a pair of underwear, (mine) a whip, (That would explain the deep cuts in his back along with the scratch marks) and a spiked collar inside a metal cage. These were cluttered around the room.
"Want some coffee?" I asked as I finally made it into the kitchen, suddenly realising I was still naked?
"Um no, thanks." he replied as he left the room for a shower.
I boiled the kettle and put a spoonful of instant coffee (yuck!!) into a mug (as that's all the hotel supplied) and poured in some milk.
As I waited for the kettle to boil, I decided to clean up the bedroom.
I put the whip inside the cage and pushed it into a corner near his bed, placed my underwear on my body and rummaged through his suitcase.
I pulled out a tank-top with a large upside-down cross on it. Placing it over the top half of my body, I noticed it covered my legs as well, so I decided I didn't need pants.
Kuza had finished his shower and I had finished my coffee.
We got a cab back into town for some shopping.

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