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I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Sitting up from bed, I groaned, moving my hand up to shield my eyes. The dark purple curtains were pulled back. Rose must have come in here and pulled them back. I groaned again. She knows I hate being blinded in the morning like this!

I pulled the covers off of me and went to stand up, when I realized that the room was colder than usual. My eyes snapped open wide once I realized I was naked and I had a heart attack when I felt the bed move. There, sleeping in my bed, was Alayna West. She was naked as well, lying with the covers on only the bottom half of her body. Her breast were in full view and I had to shake my head to clear the dirty thoughts. The events of last night started flooding back. I had sex with Alayna. I had sex with Alayna.

'Holy shit! I had sex with Alayna!'

I saw my clothes lying on the floor and I picked them up, putting them on as quickly and as quietly as possible. I walked out of my room and closed the door quietly behind me. Walking downstairs, I tried to prepare myself for the embarrassment of Rose knowing that we slept together. There was no denying she knew.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Rose sitting at the table, holding a coffee mug in one hand, her other hand messing with the laptop. She looked up when she saw me and smiled. "Good morning Stella."

"Uh, morning Rose," I replied back.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed another Monster. "So...um, watcha doing?"

"Oh, nothing much really. Just organizing some orders for the store," she said. "Speaking of which, I'll be leaving for a few days for a meeting."

I almost dropped my drink. "Meeting? What meeting? When? How many is a few days?"

Rose stood up from her seat and walked over to me, taking the drink from my hand and putting it on the counter. "It's okay! I'm only going to be gone for maybe two-three days at the most. I'm meeting with another company that's offered a little proposal. I've scheduled it for a few days after the inspection though, so it'll be in about a week."

I shook my head. "I don't want you to go. If you go, I won't have anyone to go to if something happens. I just....n-nevermind. I'll be fine." I gave her a small smile. I was being selfish. My life isn't Rose's main concern.


"Seriously Rose. I'm just being dramatic. The proposal, whatever it may be, will help the company. Plus, you haven't really gone anywhere for a while. You deserve to go."

Rose crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "You're being very calm about this."

I forced a little laugh. "Rose seriously! I'll be fine!"

"Well....alright. You have the house key and you know where I keep all the spare money, right?"

I nodded. "So, what's this proposal?"

Rose's face lit up. "Well if that night goes well, then the company could begin a partnership with a charity company!"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes!" Rose replied, cheerfully. "This partnership could really help out the business, plus help out the charity itself."

"That's amazing! What's the charity?"

"That's a surprise," Rose said with a wink. "If the partnership is a success, then I'll tell you."

"Okaaaaaay. Well then I hope it goes well."

Rose nodded. "So....from now on, if you have her over, perhaps you'll want to start locking the door?"

I felt my cheeks grow warm. "Yeeeeaaaahhh, sorry about that. I honestly didn't expect it to happen."

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