Chapter II

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Judge: I hold this case in session on January 14, 2011, Myra Adams has been found as a suspect for the murder of Evelyn Adams, her step-mother. Her boots were left at the front door, and prints on the shattered glass of a dining room table in the house of Miss. Adams' father's home. The crime is shown to be committed around 4 p.m. And traces of Myra's appearance at her fathers' were found on January 15, 2011, when Mr. Lance Adams came home from work, finding his second wife in the bathtub of the Adams' place in her own cold blood. Cuts were found on her head, a three inch gash on her forehead indicated a fracture in her skull from autopsy results made by Mr. Jonathan Shultz. Mr. Shultz if you could please stand and tell about the injuries you found on Mrs. Adams.

Johnathan Shultz: the injuries on Mrs. Evelyn Adams indicate she was first cut at the mid section, the cut was not deep enough to put the body in shock. The wounds continue from her mid area to her legs where there are long slashes that seem they were created with a butcher knife. The gash on her forehead would'be been what instant killed her and from doing the autopsy, she had fought in an effort to save herself from these injuries created. The bruises created around her neck may have seemed that Mrs. Adams was strangled, but with self defense she had been released from the choke hold she was in, which may be the reason the butcher knife was involved in the murder of Mrs. Adams.

*he sat down*

Judge: thank you Mr. Shultz. Let the defendants rise and hear their side of what happened January 14, 2011.

*Myra's lawyer, Mr. Patrick Staller, stood up*

Patrick Staller: My client  was not in fact a part of the Evelyn Adams case. She mourned at the funeral probably even more than anyone else did. She had left her shoes on the porch from when she went inside to visit with her step-mother. When she stepped inside she had found the cold cocoa, and the shattered glass, in which she picked up the pieces to investigate what had happened-

Judge: why would she investigate? Not call 9-1-1 for a break in?

Patrick Staller: your honor, she did not know that anything wrong had been done-

*Samuel Haas, the plaintiff stood*

Samuel Haas: She wouldn't think anything was wrong after seeing shattered glass? Is that something she is used to? Shattered glass, dismantled houses? How can you not think something is wrong?-

Judge: enough! Let the defendant talk.

Patrick Staller: as I was saying, my client found the glass and decided to search the house more. As she walked the stairs blood lined the bannister, she noticed the bathroom door closed, she opened it. When she walked in, she found Mrs. Evelyn Adams lying in her own cold blood-

Samuel Haas: and she still did not call the police?

Patrick Staller: She drove straight to the police station and the building was not open.

Samuel Haas: she gave up? Didn't call anyone? According to my client he had found his wife the morning after Myra Adams had visited the house. Wouldn't you tell your own father?

Judge: he asked you a question.

*Myra Adams took the stand*

Myra Adams: I tried calling my father but his cell phone was turned off.

Samuel Haas: you didn't bother calling his work?

Myra Adams: I didn't know the number.

*Samuel Haas turned to his client*

Samuel Haas: Mr. Adams, your business is not private correct?

Lance Adams: No it is not.

Samuel Haas: then you can easily find it in a phone book?

Lance Adams: yes

*Samuel Haas turned back to Myra Adams*

Samuel Haas: did you bother looking for a phone book? I believe they carry phone books in all gas stations, phone booths, etcetera. They are free to use for the use of the public along with the phones, but they only cost 5 cents to use.

Myra Adams: I did not think of that.

Judge: with the information I have found by being provided to me it seems that Miss. Myra Adams, daughter of Lance Adams, is found guilty of charge for the murder of Mrs. Evelyn Adams, her step-mother. She will be held in custody for 4 days, then shipped to the New York State Prison. She will serve 15 years on bail for 46 hours after her arrival. This case is closed. Enjoy your evening everyone.

Everyone got up and started to leave the courtroom. Dirty looks were exchanged from numerous people. Myra Adams was escorted by the NYPD.

After what had happened, she regretted nothing. Evelyn Adams deserved everything.

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