Chapter 1

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???? POV

"You know your mission right Spark?" I asked her.

"Yes I know my mission," she said. "To protect Skybrine, WitherMU, and Enderlox with my life. Make sure that they end up hating the Overworld." I smiled at the 8 year old.

"You're part Brine, Wither, and Ender Dragon. You took mostly to the Ender Dragon side," I said as she smiled. "Don't let anything happen to the boys. I'm trusting you with their lifes."

"I won't let anything happen to them Herobrine, you can count on me," she said before leaving with the 3 boys in her arms.

"I'll miss you two, Spark and Skybrine," I whispered to myself.

Spark's POV

Once we got the Overworld we were surrounded by trees and grass. The boys still siund asleep in their little cots I made a few days ago with animal pelts. I may only be 8 but I have the maturity of a 12 year old due to the fact I'm a hybrid. "I should find us something to eat." I walked to the edge of the cave to see Hybrid Hunters. "Shit the boys." I ran back to them. "Wake up you three." They all shot up and came running to me. "Hold on tight, I'm gonna teleport us to a village." I teleported us to a nearby village and I casted a spell on the boys to surpress their powers until I die or release it.

"Big sister where are we," Sky asked obviously still sleepy.

"A village," I told him. "I've been here before and I know someone who will watch you guys while I get food." I led them to a house towards the edge I f the village. "Hello, Miss Sycilia? I'm back with the boys." A woman around the age of 25 with pink hair in pigtails and light blue eyes. She wore a simple blue dress that came to her knees.

"Spark are these the boys you told me about," She asked. I nodded and her eyes lit up. "I've heard so much about you three. Spark has told me so much about you guys."

"You guys have rooms upstairs," I told them. They ran upstairs and left Sycilia and I alone. "There are Hybrid Hunters after them already. I'm gonna try and lure them away. If I don't come back in a day they caught me. Keep an eye on the boys and make sure that they live a human life please Sycilia?"

"I will Spark," she said. "How will I know if you're still alive?"

"I put a spell on them that hides their powers and hybrid parts," I said. "If I die the spell will be gone." I walked outside and went into my Ender Dragon form. "Keep them safe Sycilia." I flew off to the cave was to see the Hunters were still there.

"Look there's a big one coming," one of them said. "Let's catch it, it'll be worth a fortune!" They shot at me with crossbows and two hit my shoulders, one in my right leg, and the last one hit my left wing. I fell to the ground and thrashed around tried to break out of their bindings.

"Struggling will only make things worse for you," one of them said. He sounded more sincere and sad about this. "I'll help you kid, you just need to calm down." I calmed down and looked up at him. "How old are you?"

"Eight," I said truthfully.

"What are you," he asked

"Ender Dragon, Wither, and Herobrine hybrid," I snapped at him.

"She goes for testing with the Squids," one of them said. "Kyran go with the dragon kid. Jaylen keep an eye on him and guide him to the Squid base. She'll go for at least 2.5M diamonds if not more." I growled at the one who gave them orders as he walked towards me. "Fiesty one aren't you?" He pulled out a blade and held it to my throat. "Behave dragon brat!"

"Jay she's still a kid," Kyran yelled grabbing Jay's hand. "Keep that in mind. Jaylen let's go and take her to them." They put a collar around my neck and restrained my wings so that I couldn't fly.

"You bastards," I mumbled under my breath.

Kyran's POV

She seemed so innocent to be a hybrid. Especially a Brine hybrid at that. "Kid I never got your name, my name is Kyran and this is my partner, Jaylen. As you know we are Hybrid Hunters. What you don't know is that we had no choice in the matter. We were born into this because of our father." She looked up at us in terror waiting for one of us to hurt her.

"Spark," she mumbled. I looked at her slightly confused. "My name is SparklerzPachirisuMC or Spark for short." Her voice sounded broken. Her pride was broken and I could see it in her eyes. "Let's go. I don't wanna keep the bastard waiting any longer." For being eight she seemed to be a bit agresive and volitile. She must truely hate everyone and everything in this world.

"You ready Jaylen," I asked him. He nodded his head and grabbed a chain that was linked to the collar and I grabbed the chains for the one that bound her wings.

Time skip (6 hours later and they made it to the Squid base)

"Who goes there," one of the guards asked.

"Kyran and Jaylen, Hybrid Hunters," Jaylen yelled. "We have something for your king."

"You may enter," it said. We walked in and the Squid King came out to meet us.

"So this is the marvelous hybrid Jay was telling me about," the King stated. "What are you?"

"Why should I tell you," Spark snapped at him.

"Watch your mouth you filthy brat," the King growled. He yanked on the collar and she stumbled slightly. "Let's try this again, what are you?"

"It depends on the day," she spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Right now I'm an Ender Dragon hybrid. Earlier I was a Herobrine, Wither, and Herobrine hybrid. Depending on the day or my mood dictates what part is most dominant."

Jaylen's POV

Wow she's got guts snapping at the King like that. She did say that she's part Brine. I want nothing to do with her once we leave. I can tell that she acts older than she is but that could be because of what she's mixed with. "I think we're getting somewhere," the King stated.

"Glad someone thinks that," Spark said. "I need to go." She broke the bindings and flew off to who knows where.

"Don't just stand there," he yelled. "Go after her!" She's still young, she doesn't need to go through the hellish torture that we've seen.

"Let's go Kyran," I advised. "She's not our problem now. I just hope that she will live."

"I know Jaylen, trust me, I know," he said as we walked away. "Spark deserves freedom. I know that she's watching three younger hybrids. If I see her again I'll ask her. I don't plan to go back to hybrid hunting after this."

"I agree with you Kyran," I told him. "Next time we see her we should ask."

"Yeah, raise the kids like humans," Jaylen said. "Why did you tell her that we're brothers? I thought that you and I were together."

"We are I didn't want her to hate us for being gay," I told him as I gave him a kiss. We heard a crash followed by a scream of pain. We ran towards it and saw Spark again. "Spark we know about the kids that you are hiding. Please tell us where they are. We never wanted to be Hybrid Hunters."

"There's a village not too far from here," she growled through her teeth. She was in a lot of pain. "Look for Sycilia. Tell her Enderspark sent you for the boys. You better take care of them for me they are all 6 but they don't act like it. Don't let them know about what happened to me."

"We promise Spark," we said in unison. She smiled before flying off again, this time towards the Squid base.

"Let's go babe and find this Sycilia person," I told him. His eyes lit up and we started our walk towards the village.

Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for the lack of updates and what not. This one has been sitting on my laptop for a while then Majik got me to post this. Anyways I'm Lightning signing off see ya!

Lost: Book 1 of The Hybrid series (A TeamCrafted fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now