Chapter Six

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"So now you know, Cas. Sorry I didn't say anything. I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable and leave again. Sorry."

"Dean, you can see my mind as well right now. So you know I felt, and feel, the same way. Don't apologize. Will this change anything between us?"

"It's up to you. I keep kinda hope so. I mean, honestly, are you an orphanage, cause I wanna give you kids."

"Dean, this is not the time for... whatever that was. We're seahorses until Sam gets here, if he does ever come."

"Trust me, Sam won't look for us for a bit. He isn't gonna be coming any time soon. Hopefully I will be though."

"Dean, I believe neither of us have any knowledge in seahorse mating. Why are you suddenly so for this?"

"I've been for this for a long time, this is just my first opportunity and I think we should take it. Maybe it's something in the water thats making me , but I think it's the someone in the water. And don't worry about it, I'm sure we can figure it out. "

"Are you sure Dean?"

"For once, we have all the time in the world Cas. Promise. You won't leave once we're normal again though, right?"



Ali, I love you very much but I refuse to write smut, seahorse or not. If you wanna think about it go ahead, but I prefer not to thanks.

"Dean, the girl mentioned us having kids. What happens if I get pregnant. Will we be stuck as seahorses? Will our children be seahorses? What will Sam say if his nieces and nephews are seahorses?"

"She said Sam would get the reversal spell when Sam gets here. If you do have a buncha seahorse eggs in your pouch, we'll wait to change till after you have birth or lay them or whatever. And Sam will deal. Our life is kinda weird shit if you hadn't noticed."

"Weird shit doesn't normally involve seahorse relatives though now does it Dean."

"No. But I had an Amazonian daughter that tried to kill me once and he didn't care about that very much."

"They will be seahorses Dean."

"They will be easier to take care of Cas."

"I can't believed I rebelled against heaven for this."

"That's cause you didn't rebel for this, you rebelled for THIS DICK."

"Shut up Dean. "

"I know of a few ways you could shut me up Cas."


"I have other ways to make you scream my name too, just saving them for later................ Cas...Cas...CAS. DON'T SWIM AWAY FROM ME. CAAAAAASSS! dammit cas. "

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