STME | Eleven |

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Eleven | 

Chloe had put her hair into a ponytail, and today she didn't wear much make-up at all. Normally, Josh and Chloe would celebrate their two year anniversary today, on October 3rd. She feels completely miserable, and the only one who she thinks can cheer her up, is Ricky. But she hasn't heard from his ever since he called Friday evening that he couldn't go to the fair with her. She texted him Saturday, but he didn't reply. So she just thought of ignoring it, and focus on other things. Looks like he still is just that asshole as when they met, and that he has no feelings for her. Where were her thoughts? He wants to live in his own place, he just needs her to prove to his mother and father that he's mature. He doesn't like her, let alone love her... 

"You look like shit" Maddie said, as she approached the blonde. She looked up, and if eyes could kill, we would plan Madison's funeral at the moment. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you." Chloe groaned, rolling her eyes. "Why are you-" Maddie asked, but Chloe cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "It's October 3rd." She said, and without saying more, Maddie knew enough. "Oh..." She breathed, looking down. She put her arm around Chloe and patted her shoulder lightly, "but come on Chloe..." Maddie whispered, "you have Ricky now, and you love him right? You two are so cute together and-" She said, but Chloe couldn't hold it in anymore. "It's not real, Maddie." Chloe blurted out, and Maddie raised her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean it's not real?" She asked. "We're faking it, the whole thing. Every single shit of it is fake." Chloe said, her eyes piercing into the icy blue ones of Maddie.

"But how?" Maddie asked, letting go of Chloe and staring at her in puzzlement. "I need him for my payback on Josh. He needs me so that he can afford his own house when he turns eighteen." Chloe explained, "we just need each other and everything was just working out fine," she said, shaking her head and closing her eyes for a brief moment, "we were strangers for each other, I hadn't talked to him once. I start to like him, and right when I think that Ricky starts to like me back instead of using me for his plan, which I don't blame him for because that what's we both wanted, he blows me off just like that!" Chloe shrieked, filliping her fingers. "wowowow," Maddie said, waving her hands, "so you and Ricky are fake-dating, for both of your favor... And when you thought he started to like you he blew you off?" Maddie asked. 

"Yes, Maddie. Thank you for repeating what I just freaking told you." The blonde hissed. "But you know what?" Chloe said, flipping with her ponytale, "I'm just going to play along with Ricky. I don't need him as my real boyfriend. As long as he can help me with Josh, then I'm okay with it." She said. "If you're so sure about that..." Maddie muttered, and with that the two of them walked towards first period. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Josh Hyland shouted during lunch period. Everyone went quiet and stared at him, Chloe included. "As you may now, Chloe and I unfortunately broke up..." He said, causing the cafeteria to whisper en gossip with each other. "And guess what date it is today?" He said, and a smirk formed on his face. Chloe stared at him, she felt as if someone held a knife against her back, and every second, it was stabbed deeper and deeper into her back. Until it reached her heart. "This... My lovely friends is a shoutout to my ex." Josh Hyland cheered. He searched Chloe's eyes and he locked her gaze, his smirk only growing larger every single second. "Chloe," he said, staring into her soul, "you are the absolutely most beautiful girl I've ever met," he started. She raised an eyebrow at him, and her jaw dropped, what is he up to? "you're sweet," he said, walking off of the table and approaching her, "lovely," he went on, "smart..." He said, reaching for her hand and putting her chin up. 

Nobody knew what was going on. What is he doing? And where is her fake-boyfriend when you need him? "But..." he said, and now his hideous smirk was back, and he turned to the listening crowd again. "Also a total psychotic, hypocrite slut." He said. He pressed the 'send' button of his phone, and almost immediately everyone's phone went off, notifications popping up everywhere. "You might take a look as well..." He whispered, throwing a wink at her. Chloe took her phone out with trembling hands and her eyes widened at the screen. A photoshopped picture again, of a boy and girl having sex. Chloe's head was pasted on the woman's body, and the man had the head of their Principal; Mr. Grey. 'Blonde slut for hire;' it said, and then her phone number was posted underneath it. "Happy Two year anniversary, babe." He whispered, blowing a kiss at her. 


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