Meeting The Hell (Chpt 1)

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*Matt's P.O.V*

Looking at my locker I felt the sense of annoyance seeing the words scribbled across it "fat ass" my eyes trailed down "fag" again "loser" once more "DIE", there's the sugar. Without changing my expression, I grabbed the bottle out of my bag and used my hoodie sleeve to wipe away the words, the ink leaving smudges on my locker and my dark blue hoodie. Hi. I'm Matthew, my friends call me Matt and by friends, I mean the fuckers that love to nail themselves to my back.

Just to throw out also, I m G a y. I'm also a schizophrenic if you couldn't tell and I had many "friends". Speaking of which, I had one that never left and here he is, "go away Kurlos" I growled quietly as he poked at my back. "come on matttttttttttttttiiieeee don't be like thaaaaatttt" he taunted at me and I glared at him from the corner of my eye "FUCK OFF!" I yelled spinning to not see Kurlos but instead seeing the other fucker I try hard to avoid, Jacob.

With a sigh, I opened my mouth to explain but soon found myself being slammed against my locker, head first with my back ramming straight into the lock, that was gonna bruise. Jacob laid a punch across my face "I know you weren't talking to me you freak!" he yelled at me and didn't give me time to reply before he shoved me onto the ground once again I hit my head first.

I could feel Jacobs little group step on my hands harshly to keep me pinned and helpless, feeling this I just closed my eyes and tensed my body waiting for the impacts. Kurlos was laughing in my ear "you really are a sad kid Mattie". Shut up, I wanted to tell him but before I got the chance to breath I felt the hit of Jacob's shoes hit straight into my stomach not only knocking away my breath but also whatever of a breakfast I ate which was just a small granola bar. Kyle, the guy holding my right hand down used his available foot to kick my shoulder at full force.

I'm surprised it didn't get dislocated.

This went on for a while, about 23 minutes to be exact because that's when the bell for first period rang. The guys rushed off since they had their own rep to protect and couldn't get a tardy since they were also, you guessed it, on the football team.

I coughed violently, losing some blood in there but it was fine it'll just mix with all the other bleeding I had been doing. Kurlos entered whatever vision I had, his hair being pulled out of his face to show his usual sharp grin "shit Mattie you look horrible" he began to howl in laughter. I just didn't have the energy to snap at him I just shut my eyes once more, letting some tears fall, I was technically alone so why not?

I soon felt a hand place itself on my back making me jump back violently, slamming my own self into a locker seeing I had no feeling in my legs for the time being, the stupid bastards had cut off the circulation. Looking up I noticed a guy that I had never seen before, he had to be new if he was acknowledging me.

"Are you okay?" I heard the boy speak and blinked to correct my eyesight, looking around I noticed Kurlos had left, he wasn't convinced I was the only person to see him, which I was grateful for. "Hey" the voice repeated making me shake my head, "I-...." My voice got caught like a boulder as I looked up at the teen, he had bleached blonde hair with his bangs pulled out of his face and purple tips, he was wearing a Hollywood Undead shirt by the looks of it...I loved that band. Looking back up I saw he had the bluest eyes in the world...he was gorgeous, and here I was looking like fucking road kill almost literally. "Yes...I'm good" I mumbled trying to stand and fell foreword. A sigh escaped my pale lips as I just wanted so badly to give up.

Soon, a hand made its way into my vision, "I'm Taylor, let me help you" he said with the kindest tone I've ever heard in my life. Good looking AND Nice...this kid was out of my league and there's no way he'd go for someone as ugly and broken as me, assuming he is even gay.

I knocked away Taylor's hand and forced myself up "Matthew, I'm fine thanks" I said a bit harsher, I couldn't get attached to this guy it'd only result in unnecessary pain and drama. Without another word, I grabbed my things and began to walk, I was already so late I was just gonna skip first period but I didn't want to be around Taylor anymore...okay I did but I couldn't be.

Footsteps were growing louder and I turned to see Taylor soon coming up right next to me, holy shit he was tall, "wait where ya headed? I'm new here and could use some help getting around" he said flashing me the brightest and most pure smile I've ever witnessed. It hurt me.

I couldn't allow him to get ear me...I'd ruin him, he belongs with the hotties and normal groups, "I don't care find someone else" I said coldly hoping I'd chase him off, "awe you don't want that now do you Mattie? ~" Shit, why was he back?! Taylor gave me a small pout, making my glare loosen and my face heat up, I yanked my gaze back to the ground "come on please??" he pushed on "I'll leave you alone after" please don't "just show me where these classes are".

Sighing I looked at his schedule and felt my stomach cave in, we had all the same classes!! I bit my lip hesitantly "fine..." I managed out and Taylor let loose a laugh, hugging me "Thanks Matthew!!".


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