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Matthews P.O.V

So 5th period was hell as usual, Taylor has the same schedule as me yay (sarcasm) and he stared at me for most of the class no matter what I did he refused to look away and I was fine ignoring it until the fucker started throwing paper at me. I threw away the sheets without even reading the notes.

Taylor was not going to get close to me, I refused to let it happen. Why would someone like him even want to be with someone like me? I was so fat and scarred and horribly broken. These thoughts began to make my stomach hurt and if I would have had anything in my stomach it would have been all over the desk.

My phone soon began to constantly vibrate in my pocket and in annoyance I yanked it out and secretly turned it on, harshly biting my lip at the sight. Text messages from Taylor.

And Jacob.

Great! What the fuck could both want? With a deep breath, I slowly brought my finger and tapped Taylors name 'Matt!! Why won't you look at me??? Read my notes!' 'Matt?' 'matt' 'matt' 'Matthew!' the texts pissed me off the more I looked at them, how did he get my number?! With a grit of my teeth my thumbs moved to rapidly press out a message 'how you get my number?!' I looked up to see Taylor receive the number and that big stupidly hot smile of his flashed up as I watched him type.

'yay! You answered finally! I got it from some Jacob kid that seemed to be really thrilled to hear you were okay since you didn't show to first period, he a friend of yours?' my teeth grinded and I began to slightly shake. Jacob was being a lying little prick and surely, he was going to find out he had a cru- SMALL APPRETIATION for Taylor.

A chuckle that didn't even sound like me left my lips and I looked up to see kurlos, the one time I was happy to see him. A grin spread across his gorgeous sharp features "you should go along with him Mattie~ he won't care either way but wouldn't you hate to cause trouble for the poor man? It's bad enough he already knows you at all" I laugh to myself, never mind about being happy to see this douche.

Kurlos was right though, it was bad enough Taylor even knows I exist and telling him that Jacob bullies me would just cause him to much unnecessary bullshit. I bite my lip again, this time in sadness rather than anger and my response slows. 'um...yes! lol I didn't think he noticed, but anyways what the hell do you want? You seriously need to leave me alone! You're so annoying' of course I had been lying and it hurt me to tell that to someone like Taylor but maybe hell leave me alone now.

Wrong, 'oh c'mon matt don't be like that, I'm worried about you. You ran out so quick and your eyes were really red, are you really okay?' 'I'm fine' I text back instantly, it was none of his business.

The bell rings and I'm once again the last to leave. When I look around the room I don't see Tylor and while I'm happy that he got the hint I was still a bit upset that he didn't wait, therefore you should never be hopeful for something there's always disappointment. Kurlos smacked the back of my head hard, sending me falling foreword as he loomed above me, "your so damn pathetic Mattie, you knew he wouldn't wait for your sorry ass so quit pretending to be upset" kurlos scolded me, his eyes being a dark lilac.

Kurlos's eyes like I've mentioned always change shade with his mood usually when he's mad, angry, or just anything but in a sadistically happy or neutral tone they were dark. Basically, the stronger of a mood he felt the more the shade changed, the happier the brighter, the sadder the darker, get me? I never understood why but every time he scolded me or I would self-harm or not eat, etc. his eyes were always dark but any other time they were normal, the few times he's made fun of me for being happy they were brighter, I will never get this demon.

I pick myself from the ground and wince as my new cuts stretch from the movements of grabbing my stuff. I walk out with my head low but a gasp soon escapes from my mouth as I'm yanked to the side and am pinned to the lockers. I was about to start yelling at Jacob when I realized it couldn't be him because the pinning wasn't mean enough, it was dominating but still sweet.

Taylor stood there, his face inches from mine, my face erupted into an ugly blush "l-let go" I forced the words between my lips and Taylor just sighed, still holding me in place. Taylor then met my ugly mud brown eyes with his beautiful strawberry ones. "why can't you talk to me?" he asked his voice full of pain which broke me, "i-im seri-iously f-fine taylo-or so l-leave me al-lone "I always stutter when I lie but I was glad that Taylor hasn't known me long enough to realize that and I won't let him. "besides I just met you today!" I said harshly and with what looked like a glare from Taylor he released me and stalked off without another word. Despite him not hitting me, I still felt a horrible pain. In my heart.


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