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Matt's P.O.V

Finally, it was Saturday meaning no school, no Jacob, no Taylor, and no walking hallways of death. Just me myself and "MATTIE" fuck. Kurlos dashed into the living room running straight into me causing me to stumble back onto the couch "Kurlos what the hell!?" I spat angrily at him as he yanked me up to block him "Mattie stop her!" he shouted from behind me.

I moved to shove the hallucination demon off me but as always, my hands moved right through him I never understood why I can't touch him but he's constantly able to punch and hit me and it doesn't help that he gets mad whenever I ask. "Get off me kurlos deal with her your fucking self!" I growled now attempting to yank away from his grasp.

Kurlos seemed to glare at me before shoving me to the ground and causing me to hit my head on the coffee table making me groan in pain but it was something I've grown used to so the pain ended quickly.

I guess today could be worse, Taylor could still be texting me and bothering me about how I acted but thankfully he hasn't bothered me since the whole incident on Wednesday and that was good! I mean good for him, he doesn't need to be worrying about me. Sure, it would have been nice to see someone care for once in my worthless life but it's not like I was waiting for him to text me the next few nights and losing more sleep for and I was thrilled to get to be back in my lunch stall alone.

It just sucks. Everything blows and I already knew this, and if someone as fucking hot as Taylor got involved with me it would surely mean I was already dead without realization. You know what though? I don't need Taylor, I don't need his warm welcoming smile or those beautiful strawberry eyes or his secure touch that made every inch of me burn... I've been alone for 17 years except for kurlos and I'm doing just fine!

Gliding beside me Kurlos sighed in boredom "Mattie I'm bored, entertain me. Bleed again or something its almost 12 and you haven't made a single cut on that pathetic arm of yours yet" I wanted to fire back with something but he was right, I was so busy thinking about Taylor that I haven't done my daily cuts "yeah yeah" I sighed pulling myself up. I walked through kurlos and headed to my bathroom, I could feel the demon staring me down but I didn't mind it, it made me want to cut more.

My fingers slid under the wood of my cabinets till the cold metal pricked me. I grabbed it and before I knew what was happening I had a genuine smile pulling at my lips as I dragged the blade across any free space on my arm, I ran out of space after three cuts and I still had three to go. Pulling up my shirt I found my cutting patch on the side of my stomach and finished it off there. "Happy?" kurlos spoke my line but I nodded none the less "good, now stop before you bleed out" he sighed yanking the weapon from me while simultaneously handing me a rag.

A smirk formed as I watched him put the blade back "I think you need to eat something Mattie your pale as shit" I scoffed "Awe~ I thought you didn't care about me" I taunted cleaning up and throwing the rag into the wash, "I don't! but your no good to me if you die from starvation dumbass" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation "besides your annoying with all your thoughts trying to bullshit yourself that Taylor isn't hurting you, look Mattie we both knew he wasn't shit so man up and stop sulking, you don't need him anyways okay" was he trying to...comfort me? Well whatever he was doing seemed to work as I could only shrug and head to the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple but it was swiped from my grip and I turned around to glare at the culprit "dude! Do you want me to eat or not?!" I shouted irritably at kurlos who in return rolled his darkening eyes "a real meal Mattie!" what was his deal?! "fine!" I gave in just wanting this ass to leave me alone for a bit, I stubbornly made a ham and cheese sandwich and grabbed a drink "how's this mother" I said angrily as I sat on the couch.

"you need to chill out gaining a pound or two isn't the end of the world fatass" kurlos sighed before sitting next to me and snapping his fingers to turn on the tv, don't ask I don't even know how a hallucination can do that.

The day soon became night and I burst out in laughter as I watched kurlos freak out over losing at monopoly for the third time in a row, "this game is stupid! What kind of house cost 3,000 dollars!" he said as he began to now be a pouty little loser "this house cost 22,000 dumb dumb" I laughed now having to clutch my stomach "okay one more game! Whoever loses has to sleep on the floor!" he smirked and I scoffed "c'mon you're not even real how's that fair?" kurlos just grinned as he set up the next game "because I don't get to see your cute little sleeping face~" he teased and despite the blush creeping on my cheeks I rolled my eyes "besides Mattie~ I'm very real. And it gets cold as shit at night and so I won't have your body heat to keep me warm if I lose" he grinned and I don't know why but I blushed more.

I roughly rubbed my face with a sigh "oh shut up, deal just hurry and roll the dice" I laughed a bit. Kurlos is an ass I'm not gonna lie, but he was also protective and he knew when he was pushing to far so it was still nice to have some source of a partner and at least he can make me laugh!

So...I lost.

"Fuck you man" I said and I know I was now being a pouty child as I threw some pillows on the basement, Aka my room, floor "where you letting me win those times?!" I asked after some thinking more closely on the whole situation and I looked up to see that smug but attractive grin "you were! I can't believe you kurlos!" I stomped and he busted into laughter and I might have been angry but his laughter sounded different this time, rather than sounding like broken glass and nails to chalkboards it was more "normal"? almost human. "God Mattie you're so slow!" he said in hiccups and ultimately killing my mood back to pissed.

I slowly moved under the covers and sighed as I adjusted to the flat barren ground and glared at kurlos and the longer I did so the more lost I got in those newly brightened eyes of his and I was almost too tired to notice him lay down beside me "Night Mattie" he said.


HEY GUYYS so Kurloz has been changed to Kurlos because I wasn't in the mood to fight "Word" about corrections. Also, now when he speaks it's in bold <3 thanks for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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