Interviewing @DMB2001

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Hey everyone! Chapter 15 will be up next Wednesday! I recently interviewed my good friend, DMB2001 and am super excited to share it with you all! Make sure to go follow her and read her stories!!! Also, her book, " The Secret Life of Ramy" just hit 20K!!!!!! Super proud of her! Enjoy the interview!

Favorite thing to do while writing?

Daisy- Listen to music and drink a chocolate milkshake. I know it is odd but it makes me relaxed lol

What do you love most about your writing?

Daisy- I love that no one can write like I write. No two people can write the exact same book. I love that my writing is unique and different like me.

When do your best ideas come to your head; at night, during the day, or in the morning?

Daisy- At night just as I'm about to fall asleep. I have to get out of bed and get my phone to type the idea that came to my head because I know in the morning I'll remember that I had an idea but won't remember what it was.

What inspires you?

Daisy- Movies/music and the world around me. Family gatherings and school give me lots of inspiration so many different kinds of people and how they interact gives me ideas.

Who inspires you?

Daisy- In terms of people I know; @secretlifelover_ and my family. In terms of celebrities; Shailene Woodley, Selena Gomez and Josh Hutcherson.

Aw thanks!

What are you currently working on?

Daisy- I'm working on my 3rd book of "The Secret Life" series. I know I haven't updated lately but I will soon. My main focus is my newest book "Princess Gone Rogue" the first four chapters are up and I'm working on more.

Tell us a little bit about "Princess Gone Rogue"

Daisy- Princess Gone Rogue is about a princess named Chloe who after her mother's death is isolated from the world outside her peaceful country's borders until she is forced to see the disaster in the outside world. Chloe must try to bring the same peace her country has to the rest of the world without bringing war to her own country.

Any specific characters you like the most?

Daisy- I like a lot of my characters lol. But if I had to chose I'd probably chose Chloe because I relate more to her personality wise.

How do you select the names of your characters?

Daisy- For important characters I chose names that I think suit them or have a nice ring to it. For minor characters I'll google baby names and find one that I think fits the character.

Favorite book on wattpad?

Daisy- Oh that is a hard one! I really like "The Outside" by SecretLifelover. I know it's only in the beginning chapters but most of the time you can tell when I book is going to be good.

Aww thanks!! I'm a big fan of hers too! 😂JK!

Daisy- 😂😂😂

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

Daisy- I like to be original but for minor scenes or filler chapters I'm open to make a scene that the readers want.

What is your writing process?

Daisy- When I get an idea (which like I said is usual at night lol) then when I get time I'll start writing ths scene. Then I'll go do something else and read it over; adding things and taking things out. Then when when I'm ready to post I read over try to fix spelling, grammar etc, then I post it. I usually have a small outline of the full book and key points that happen in certain chapters before I write.

Are you a method writer?

Daisy- YES!!!

Do you have any social media accounts (for your readers)?

Daisy- Yes on Instagram: @the_secret_life_of_books

What's the best thing about writing your stories?

Daisy- That I can express all the emotions I tend to hide from people. Also I feel like I'm not judged for the way I look.

Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about

Daisy- I edit pictures to make my covers. I love using photoshop and editing pictures so I take every opportunity to edit a photo. I think I put a lot of effort into the covers for my stories. I try to capture what the story is about in the cover.

How do you think you've evolved creatively?

Daisy- I think as I grow up I experience different things and learn a lot more about the world and myself and that comes out in my writing.

Favorite comfort food?

Daisy- Chocolate and brownies!

Yum!!! What are some of your favorite wattpad accounts?

Daisy- I love a lot of wattpad accounts but I really like @secretlifelover, @SecretLifeOfDiza, @secretlife_ramy_15, Sejal_2015 and @ricky-underwood-fan and those are just some of them!

What do you want your readers to take away from your stories?

Daisy- I want them to feel like they can do anything. That whatever life throws at them they have be brave and become a stronger person because of it.

Thank you for allowing me to interview you! I enjoyed learning more about you and can't wait for future chapters of your stories!

Daisy- Thank you for interviewing me!


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