Thank You & Goodbye Part 1

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*Ben was involved in a very bad accident yesterday and is in critical condition. His dad, Camille, and their family have been with him in the hospital ever since.*
Leo- Ugh... Why did this have to happen, to Ben of all people
Camille- These Things happen, it's going to be okay Leo
*The nurse comes in*
Nurse- I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your son... Ben... he passed away
Leo- WHAT! No he didn't he's still alive. Ma'am you don't have to lie to me.
Camille- Leo, Ben's dead *she said starting to cry*
Nurse- I can understand as a dad, you're in denial
Leo- I'm not in denial at all! You're a liar!
Nurse-Would you like to come and see?
Leo- In fact I would
Butcher Shop-11:30am
Bunny- Ricky, I just received a call that Ben passed away!
Ricky- He what!
Bunny- Ben died
Ricky- How?*Ricky is very shocked*
Bunny- Yesterday he was involved in a really bad accident
Ricky- That's crazy and just like that he died?
Bunny- Yeah. Things happen so fast..
Ricky-How's Leo holding up?
Bunny- He's in complete denial of it.
Bunny- Yeah, I'm going to the hospital now-
Ricky- I'll make sure everything's running right here. Let me know how everything's going. I'm probably gonna call Amy and tell her- if she doesn't know already
Bunny- Okay see ya
*When Bunny leaves, Ricky sheds a tear or two.. Although him and Ben didn't always see eye to eye, they were friends and co-workers, Ricky's gonna miss him*
Grant High-12pm
*Ricky calls Amy, who's at lunch in school*
Amy- Hello?
Ricky- Amy?
Amy- Yes
Ricky- Ben.. he... died
Amy- WHAT! I thought they said he was doing okay after the accident
Ricky- You knew about the accident? I had no idea
Amy- Grace told me this morning. She heard from my dad who heard it from Leo. It's interesting how much he talks to her about stuff and doesn't talk to me about anything...But that's not the point. Are we gonna go to the hospital? How's Leo doing?
Ricky- Well there's no reason to really go to the hospital because he's dead already, but maybe we should go by the house later.. I heard Leo is in denial
Amy- Okay I'll meet you there
Ricky- Love you
Amy- Love you too!
*Ricky hangs up and Amy starts to think about her last conversation with Ben...
Amy- Omg! I completely forgot to put my jeans and boots on.
Ben- Ricky didn't see you before you left the house?
Amy- You know Ricky's been working double shifts this week... So you can stay home and relax
Ben- What's wrong with that?
Amy- Um we have two kids, a house to take care of and I would like to see my husband more than 2 hours a day!
Ben- If I was your husband you'd see me all the time
Amy- & Thats exactly why you're not my husband. Ricky's a great guy Ben, you should try and be one too
Ben- Ricky's not the best guy... Sooner or later he's gonna cheat on you and then you'll come running back to me. He'll just say it was a mistake, but trust me it wouldn't be
Amy- The mistake was dating you...  Idiot
*flashback over*
Amy- Dang it! I messed up big... *she says out loud*
Maybe Ben and I could've ended up together, if I only I didn't have sex with Ricky at band camp ... *she thinks*

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