a note

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Merry Christmas Meg!

I hope you enjoyed this and that it was all you had imagined. I tried really hard to make each character believable and like I said - I feel like this is the best thing I've ever written.

I'll say thanks for my present now even though I don't know what it is as I'm gonna be updating this before I open my presents and stuff. I'm sure I'll love it and probably cry lmao.

You're the best homeslice I could ask for. I mean, you put up with me through my Phan stage (the horror) and even now put up with me with Hamilton. (GUNS AND SHIPS CAME ON IMMA RAP THIS SO GOOD).

So, yeah. Have a good Christmas and I'll talk to you later.

Your homeslice Xx 🎄⛄

(To anyone else who could read this - thanks for reading. This is different from my normal stuff but I think it's good anyway.)

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