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Victoria's P.O.V.

The next Monday at school a two boys came up to me during lunch. One of them looked slightly familiar, I think his name was Jax or Jack or something like that, but I did't recognize the second boy. They stood there for a few seconds, until my friend Briana finally blurt out,

"Is there something that you want? Or are you just gonna stare at us for the rest of lunch?" Jack mumbled something, too quiet for me to hear. He looked embarassed.

"What Jack is trying to say," his friend pushed on, "is that he wants to know if Victoria will go out with him." Jack looked at me, waiting for an answer. I tried to make myself invisible. This was SO embarassing. I let out a huge breath when the bell rang seconds later. That expression 'saved by the bell' made sence to me now. Unfortunatley, Jack sat next to me next period.

"What's your answer?" he whispered.

"Well," I said, not wanting to hurt his feelings, "that is a very excelent question, which will be answered right after I use the bathroom." I walked up to the teacher, and asked for a bathroom pass. She gave me one, and I hurried down the hall. In the hall, I ran into Maddie. "We need to talk," I told her, and pulled her into the bathroom.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Jack asked me out," I replied.

"The guy that sits next to you in science?" asked Maddie. I nodded. "What did you say?"

"I didn't answer yet," I admitted.

"Well tell him no!" Maddie exclaimed. "That you have feelings for someone else!"

"But I don't want to hurt his feelings," I explained.

"Who cares if you break his heart! You don't like him, and that's that."

"I suppose so." I walked out of the bathroom. Despite what Maddie had said, I never got the chance to reject Jack.

Two Hearts, One LoveWhere stories live. Discover now